558 posts


telekinec • 11 April 2012 at 4:38 PM

I'm not a new user, I used to ba beta tester. I stopped using egg cave for awhile but now i'm back stronger than eva'! If you wanna have a nice chat here, I'd be happy to, and those who need feeding (eggs up to 50) or have a list, I'd be willing to help! 😊
Please feed mine back too!

Gender Fluid
3,907 posts


dreamer • 11 April 2012 at 4:45 PM

Hmmm.... I think I scarcely remember you...

Does the username Thepells4 ring a bell at all?

558 posts


telekinec • 11 April 2012 at 4:46 PM

Might ring a bell I dunno. I was one of the first and only ones to have a long username on EggCave so... Might have been one of my close feeders I used to feed daily?

4,807 posts


karamel • 12 April 2012 at 5:54 AM

@jean561114573609 Welcome back 😋
How do you remember your username? o_o

And you should ping people if you're replying to them (only works in forum posts). Type @ then type their username, like this: @username_here

558 posts


telekinec • 12 April 2012 at 6:44 AM

Meh, I'm not used to this stuff xD
It took my some time to memorize it, it's based on the neopets account I have (althoguh I don't play a lot on it anymore)
I play it down like jean56 111 45 73 609
and boom, I remember! Magic! 😃


Forgot to ping you @dreamer xD

4,807 posts


karamel • 12 April 2012 at 6:46 AM

@jean561114573609 Is it your extended PIN or something? XD

558 posts


telekinec • 12 April 2012 at 6:52 AM

Ahaha no, when I was young, I went on Neopets and I must've been really young. I think it was the name of one of my first red Shoyru and then I copied (somewhat) the name on my username and I ended up with this. I guess I didin't know how to change it so I kept it and I had to memorize it all! xD 😃


4,807 posts


karamel • 12 April 2012 at 6:53 AM

@jean561114573609 I still have to copy and paste your numbers xD
Anyway, do you need any help with the "new" Egg Cave? xP

558 posts


telekinec • 12 April 2012 at 7:02 AM

Well, well. Feeds would be appreciated 'course but for now it's fine...I think? xD I just know that for the Easter Egg hunt, I looked like an idiot searching for Alkub races xD

