1 post


dragonpierock • 5 May 2012 at 9:35 AM

hi i have been here for a couple days. can someone tell me what a click is? please help! also ca you be my friend? by the way i have 36 creatures

4,807 posts


karamel • 5 May 2012 at 2:23 PM

@dragonpierock Welcome to Egg Cave 😸 If you need any help, just ask me! If you're replying to someone (via forum post), you should ping them: @username_here 😉

A click is where you click a creature. It gains one click, however it needs to be from a different IP address (different internet connection). But if you click before 3:20AM ECT and after 3:20AM ECT, For example:

At 1:20AM ECT: Persona (with IP of 123) clicks "EGGA". EGGA gains one click.
At 1:21AM ECT: Personb (with IP of 456) clicks "EGGA". EGGA gains one click.
At 1:23AM ECT: Persona (with IP of 123) clicks "EGGA". EGGA DOESN'T gain a click.
At 3:21AM ECT: Persona (with IP of 123) clicks "EGGA". EGGA gains one click.

