What if.../What would you do?

in Forum Games

Deleted • 9 May 2012 at 9:20 PM

Answer these following questions:

1) What if your best friend pushed you off a cliff and into a giant ocean, when you couldn't swim. Then, she saved you. What would you do? Forgive him/her or continue to hate her?

2) What if you had a chance to be in a Comedy movie that made $1,980,000.00 where everyone hated you and in that movie OR a chance to be an extra in a movie, and get paid nothing, and you are also famous for that role? What would you do?

3) What would you do if someone approached you and had said that you won the lottery, and had tripped you and ran away? What if?

P.S. This is a horrible amount, but best one wins 670 EC, not CC, EC! 😃

10,213 posts


hay7199 • 9 May 2012 at 9:22 PM

1) Forgive her, i bet it was an accedent c:
2) Be an Extra, you start off small then go BIG baby!
3) I would get up go home and look up there facebook page. THEN CALL THE SWAT TEAM >: D

14,880 posts


hedwig68 • 9 May 2012 at 9:26 PM

1) Push them off the cliff and then say, "Now we are even."
2) Extra because then you can go and say to a friend, "YOU SEE THAT HEAD IN THE VERY BACK ROW?! The top of that head? That is ME!"
3) Walk up to them and say, "Excuse me sir but you seemed to have forgotten something." When they say what I would push them down and scream, "KARMASIZED!"

@skibunny9 XD

139 posts


ilovethesurvivorsbooks • 16 May 2012 at 3:19 PM

1)Say hi and push her in and scream NOW WER'RE EVEN!! and save her.
2)Sue the company
3)I'd find him and call 911

891 posts


jubjubloversboy • 16 May 2012 at 5:18 PM

1) I'd forgive her and say, "Still, why did you push me off the cliff!? It's not like a train was going to hit us!
2) Extra because you could say to your friends, "What's that? Oh wait! That's me as the extra!"
3) Chase him around the town with a water gun, spraying him with a undentified liquid. XD

1,447 posts


dv55555 • 16 May 2012 at 5:23 PM

1. SCREAM "what did u do that for? then push her"
2. Do the expensive role, they only hate me in the show not behind scenes
3. Go ninja on him then get my lottery check
