An Anthro's Story

in Roleplaying

1 post


dmlp • 5 July 2011 at 7:32 PM

Intro Story

You walk through a seemingly deserted forest. The only sounds are your footsteps, rainwater dripping from the leaves, and a few bugs and frogs. You sense something is behind you but when you look, there is only empty air. Terrified by the blackness of this strange place, you begin to run. Heavy panting seems to come from all around, making you run faster. Branches slap your face, and then suddenly, you trip. You look back desperately to see advancing red eyes, and a huge, bulking figure. You try to free your foot, but it is stuck. Then the creature is upon you, and you can see it's vile eyes, and smell it's rancid breath. A rumbling voice calls to you from this beast, and it fill you with terror. "Think of your creatures," and then it gives you a savage bite to your shoulder. You had complied with the horrific beast's command, and now your body begins to turn into odd shapes. You black out, and then the next thing you know, it is morning, and you are an anthro.

Animal(s) crossed with:
Loner or Colony Anthro:

1 post


cvhockeychick • 5 July 2011 at 7:37 PM

Gender: Female
Age: 15
Animal(s) crossed with: Unicorn and Butterfly
Loner or Colony Anthro: Colony
Looks: (
