Loading Issues

in Problems & Bugs

4 posts


stream27 • 19 May 2012 at 2:17 PM

Hi 😊
I can't get to the main page (eggcave.com). I have to get here by clicking one of my eggs from my TDNF siggy. I also cannot view my cove. Both the homepage and cove, when I try to load them, indicate they're loading (loading circle in the FF tab), but never do. I've tried re-clicking, re-typing the address and leaving it to "load" for over 20 minutes. My rowser is updated and cache has been cleared. This has been happening for 4 or 5 days now.

I can still feed my eggs (by clicking in from an egg link), but cannot view their codes ecause I can't get to my cove.

Just wondering a) if anyone else has this problem and b) what I could do that might fix it.

4,807 posts


karamel • 19 May 2012 at 2:53 PM

@stream27 Seems to be working for me.

Have you tried switching on and off your router (internet connection) several times? If not, try switching it off and leaving it for 5 or so seconds, then switching it back on again. If that doesn't work, try switching off your router for a whole day.

You can also try restarting your computer.

Are you using a computer, laptop, desktop, Mac, etc.? Which one? And is it just Egg Cave, or do you have other problems with other sites too? (If so, the problem might be on your end, not ours 😉 ).

4 posts


stream27 • 19 May 2012 at 10:18 PM

I'm thinking it's got to be a problem on my end, since it doesn't seem to be happening with anyone else.

I'm on a laptop running Windows 7. It's a fairly new laptop (just over a year old).

It's not the internet connection, as this doesn't happen with any other sites and, like I said, only happens when trying to access the homepage and my Cove page.

It's currently working, but the loading problem happens on and off. Sometimes in the same day, sometimes I can't load these pages for multiple days (as has happened lately).

I'm thinking it's got to be some sort of caching/encoding error in FF12.

1,994 posts


Ian • 28 May 2012 at 1:50 PM


Have you still be experiencing this? Is it only the front page that doesn't load quickly, or all Egg Cave pages?

Egg Cave has been experiencing some pretty heavy loads evenings on Pacific Time.
