Accpet or Reject?

in Forum Games

1,863 posts


magenta • 13 June 2012 at 12:30 AM



10,213 posts


hay7199 • 13 June 2012 at 12:33 AM

If you had 50kCC and someone offered 100 million k for it ALL Accept or Reject??

3,164 posts


faybaybay • 11 July 2012 at 10:18 PM

Hmm Reject, just because it's easier to trade with CC nowdays :/

If oyu had a treelar and someone offered a Grubbug, Schnee, and Flover would you accept?

10,213 posts


hay7199 • 11 July 2012 at 10:25 PM

Nope, Reject

If someone offered 50,000 CC for a Macbot Tine and Doovoo. Accept or Reject?

5,632 posts


linpug • 11 July 2012 at 10:31 PM

Unless fo a tine (I got 2 tines for 40,000) Reject
If someone offered 2000 EC for 1999EC would you accept or reject

3,164 posts


faybaybay • 15 July 2012 at 4:26 PM

Accept, dat 1 EC.

If someone offered you 500k for a shillas & flover?

Deleted • 15 July 2012 at 4:32 PM

Accept, I could get those creatures again, anyways. 😋

If someone offered you a Tine for a Nym and Olimpt would you accept or reject?

1,137 posts


taunter • 15 July 2012 at 4:44 PM

@skibunny9 depends on the stage

3,153 posts


sanibel_18 • 15 July 2012 at 4:49 PM


if you have a nym UFT then someone offered 500 CC and paret then accept or reject?😸

Deleted • 15 July 2012 at 5:14 PM


I think a Nym has been offered way more.

If someone offered you a 1st stage Tine for an egg Nym and Olimpt (not frozen). Accept or Reject?

3,164 posts


faybaybay • 15 July 2012 at 6:47 PM

Reject, just cause im not really a fan of tines

If someone offered you a brownil For a shillas?

564 posts


lonewolf • 15 July 2012 at 6:52 PM


Brownil. I like Brownils more.

If someone offered you a Slysal for a Flintar?

3,225 posts


pipkitten • 15 July 2012 at 6:54 PM

Reject, because I dislike Slysals.

If someone offered you a Pixgog for a frozen 1st stage Unchaga?

5,630 posts


leafpelt • 15 July 2012 at 7:09 PM

Yup. Accept

If someone offered you 1 frozen first stage tine for a frozen gobbler egg?

781 posts


chibidarkness • 15 July 2012 at 7:21 PM

Reject. I don't like frozen pets nor Tines.

What if someone offered you a VIP pass to see your favorite celebrity in exchange for an extra month of school? X3

3,153 posts


sanibel_18 • 16 July 2012 at 5:36 AM


so you mean i could have gotten more for meh nym?!D;


i hate school!D;

if someone offered you a macbot for a doovoo and tine, then accept or reject?

Deleted • 16 July 2012 at 3:46 PM



A doovoo probably costs the same as a Macbot adding the tine would make the trade more valuable. 😋 Plus, I LOVE the doovoo, very creative. 😃
