8 posts


chowchow2011 • 3 June 2012 at 5:08 PM

hello I just joined egg cave today!

4,807 posts


karamel • 4 June 2012 at 8:03 AM

@chowchow2011 Welcome 😸 Make sure to ping people if you're replying to them via forum post: @username_here. Do you have any questions? 😉

Have a little look at the Forum Rules, Terms of Service and Privacy Policy too 😊

Deleted • 4 June 2012 at 6:06 PM


Welcome 😃 Fed your cove

1,599 posts


snowrosehell • 5 June 2012 at 3:57 AM

@chowchow2011 - Hiya there! Welcome! 😊
If you had questions over eggcave you can check here

If you had questions, you can ask. 😊

Have a food time!

8 posts


chowchow2011 • 5 June 2012 at 4:17 PM

Thanks for welcoming me

1,093 posts


zoom150 • 5 June 2012 at 4:22 PM

@chowchow2011 you like pokemon????

8 posts


chowchow2011 • 5 June 2012 at 4:23 PM

Yes In fact i do like pokemon i think it's awesome

980 posts


oranberry100 • 5 June 2012 at 4:48 PM

@chowchow2011 Well, welcome! And... *pokes my username* heh. Pokemon. 😉

8 posts


chowchow2011 • 6 June 2012 at 9:12 PM

Wow never noticed how many liked pokemon...
