HW Creature Suggestion - The Orpheus

in Fan Art & Creature Suggestions

Deleted • 22 July 2012 at 5:53 AM

Direct Link - http://i49.tinypic.com/t9hywy.jpg

The Orpheus is the soul of an ancient Greek warrior whose brother had been killed by a mysterious foe. When it came to know about the foe , he shown his gallantry and bravery by killing the large dragon with his Excalibur sword. He avenged his brother's death, but on the way back, he was attacked by some deadly ghosts and died on the spot , trying his best to chase them away. In this memory, he has a great hatred against the ghosts which haunt others and act like a guardian against ghosts to those who provide shelter to him. He is on the lookout for other troubling ghosts and deadly dragons to slay.


