Things People Never knew About You/Randomness That Doesn't Belong In Any Other Topics But THIS one!

in Welcomes & Introductions

1,308 posts


stellalunagirl • 30 March 2011 at 11:05 PM

@arcticwonders I USED to wear glasses.. now im wearing contacts! 😉
My physical age is 14 but my mental age is about 5 XD

128 posts


crazymushroom • 30 March 2011 at 11:14 PM

@stellalunagirl Same here. XD

Uggghhh, I'm doing profiles. -_-

9,386 posts


smilies • 30 March 2011 at 11:23 PM

@stellalunagirl OMGOSH I might get contacts, but because I am fine close up, just not long distance they don't recommend it as it would make my close up worse D:

69 posts


mich • 31 March 2011 at 7:30 AM

I'm Micha?l, I love to make drawings, Club Brugge is my favorite football team and I think Pokemon is the 2nd best thing in the world after Egg Cave😊

158 posts


lucy22322 • 31 March 2011 at 7:47 AM

my dad is an optometrist and he said if i didn't wear glasses, i'd become nearsighted. I would also get headaches whenever i read, but earlier this year i stopped wearing glasses because they gave me headaches when i read....... LOL. i don't even think he's ginving me a checkup since then.

681 posts


arabianninja • 31 March 2011 at 10:50 AM

Oh I wanna write something about me too!

1. I'm 16 years old
2. Most people think I'm over 18 years
3. I'm short (at least a little)
4. I wear glasses
5. I dye my hair black because I don't like my natural blonde color
6. I have two cats
7. I don't like dogs (not much at least)
8. Though somehow wolves are my favorite animals
9. I'm right-handed
10. I do sword-fighting as sports
11. I like Pokemon. And lots of other weird animes.
12. I do cosplay!
13. And now I gonna eat some chocolate

6,833 posts


whitefall • 31 March 2011 at 11:00 AM

1) I'm okay at sports, I play soccer. 😃
2) I name a lot of creatures after my brother!
3) My Berr pair: Jashwin and Tanya are named after me and my brother! (I'm Tanya, he's Jashwin)
4) I know these users in reral life: delfin99, anubis123*, marineayan*, liomessi*, ivargizteb*, starfire97 and fuzzydragon! (* means quit) ☹️
5) I've been on the leaderboards.........four times! 😈
6) Trying to downsize to ten creatures >>.<<
7) my best EC buddy is probably delfin99, pachi89 and/or stellalunagirl.❤️
8) I live in the US~!
9) I'm at a library right now...

Deleted • 31 March 2011 at 6:20 PM

I'm a lurker and I don't date unless the dood pays for my dinner. Then, if he didn't make a good first impression I dump his sorry behind.

I'm a horrible person. xD

Oh and @redfire77

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IT'S OVER 9,000!!!!!!!!!!

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3,224 posts


pipkitten • 31 March 2011 at 6:48 PM

I wanna post some things about me!! 😃

1) My featured pet is named after my fave Final Fantasy character.
2) I'm an artist.
3) I'm 16.
4) I constantly get mistaken for someone much older.
5) I cosplay! 😃
6) Jeffree Star's music is awesome.
7) Slingblade is one of my favorite movies.
8) My computer has eaten many hours of my life.
9) If the end of the world actually happens, I won't be surprised.
10) If friendly aliens landed in my yard and asked me to go with them, I would.

916 posts


evilyowling • 1 April 2011 at 5:06 AM

1) I'm an 11 year old who quite mature (My mum was me independent quicker 😉)
2) A Computer person
3) I know how to code
4) I have Amblyopia
5) Pokemon/digimon Person
6) The Friendly/shy type
7) Birthday: 28th of April 😸
8) Hates the warmth (surprisingly does not ever become cold except in snow with barely anything on)
9) Not an sport person
10) Is a Vegetarian
11) Is very weird when it comes to weight (I never seem to become fat looking or chubby O_O)

lol I'm so weird well lazy!

1,317 posts


space • 1 April 2011 at 5:36 AM

Additional information about me:
1. I'm still 14, and I'm going to be a Junior next school year! 😱
2. I have some websites
(I know how to code, just simple HTMLs, Javascripts and stuff)
3. Most of my time is eaten up by my laptop
4. I was president of the Math club for 3 straight years 😃
5. I'm not a vegetarian and I hate dogs ☹️
6. I know how to do some stunts
7. I love to go outdoors and hang out with friends.
8. I am sometimes a pessimist but I'm trying to fight it 😊

729 posts


vanilla • 1 April 2011 at 7:12 AM

1. My name is... *Gasp* (Cannot believe I am about to reveal my ugly name 😋 ) Mjwb3h4o😈 TA-DAH! MY NAME! You'd be able to read it ONLY if you can read "Vanilla Language" 😈 Which I doubt anyone more than 2 can 😉

2. I'm a drama queen. 😋

3. Yes, I'm Miss. Chatterbox. Give me a topic and I can go on all day about it non-stop! 😊

4. I'm 14 turning 15 soon. Kinda soon...XP

5. I have a totally weird habit of collecting "My Little Pony" ponies, even though I do not play with them!

5. I fell in love with Egg Cave, and is currently still in a relationship with Egg Cave! XD

6. My lucky number is 6

7. I'm a Power Puff Girls fan! 😋 Particularly, Bubbles!

8. I'm a vegetarian wanna-be! ^-^

9. I'm only 5 foot 1 (5'1)

10. I'm allergic to dust :/ Whenever theres dust, I start sneezing like crazy!

11. I like going to concerts! 😃 On the flat screen...😋 Currently, I've only gone to Taylor Swift's concert and is going to Justin Bieber's soon! 😊

Well, I guess thats all! ^.^ For now...😈 LOL

128 posts


crazymushroom • 1 April 2011 at 1:17 PM

To add to my previous list:

11) I like to wear rings.
12) I have braces :[
13) I like to read.
14) My favorite book is The Shining.
15) My favorite song is Roman's Revenge by Nicki Minaj.
16) I still watch I Love Lucy.
17) I have two dogs.
18) I own 3 pairs of shorts.
19) I use Victoria's Secret perfume and lotion.
20) I'm working on a heart sun tattoo.

1 post


terranova • 2 April 2011 at 12:11 PM

Hey guys. =)

1) I like tigers!

2) My dog is the friendly neighborhood Velociraptor.

3) I love the original Yu-Gi-Oh! and dislike the new ones.

4) I was born in Mexico and lived there for a while, but now I live in good ol' US of A.

5) I forgot how to speak Spanish and am trying to learn it again. =(

6) I'm not really from the Philippines. My profile doesn't know nothin'!

10 posts


pickone • 3 April 2011 at 8:21 AM

1 i like domo kun
2 i liek people with harajuku style
3 i wann abe a fashion designer
4 i lik e poop
5 beatles are tastly
6 im watching glee right now after eating som etom yung soup
7 im from where you are from
8 i believe in fairesa and mermaids
9 i like mangas
10 and im a staight F student
11 i lie sushi
12 LOOK!! a dead bird flying in the sky

ps i know where ur house lives and where your bed sleeps

681 posts


arabianninja • 3 April 2011 at 10:42 AM

@ pickone: what's domo kun? and harajuku?

128 posts


crazymushroom • 3 April 2011 at 1:16 PM

@Pickone You like poop?

692 posts


pendulum • 4 April 2011 at 8:54 AM

1. I am 17. I feel old. ;-;
2. I was born on July 4th.
3. Tumblr is better than Facebook. ;D
4. I taught myself HTML & CSS when I was 9.
5. I am eventually going to cosplay and comicon.
6. I have strawberry blond hair.
7. My eyes are silver/blue.
8. Anime is the best.
IT'S OVER 9,000! 😈 😈 😈
10. I used to be a really short cheerleader.
11. I like fashion of all sorts.
12. I like good photography.
13. And I like to collect sea glass.

And read.
And paint...SOME TIMES. 😸


This post will self destruct in 1,337,000,434,396,333 seconds and llamas will meet you at your front door to hand you a box of chocolates. If you are (LACTOID AND INTOLERANT) or as known as, lactose and tolerant, you will be given the choice of waffles or pancakes with a pet cow that goes quack. Fin.

158 posts


lucy22322 • 4 April 2011 at 9:28 AM

@pendulum. YAY! cows r soooo cute! I gots strawberry blonde hair too. It used to be just blonde, but like msot of my family has red hair, so now its getting redder by the day.

2 posts


iwantcoke • 16 April 2011 at 5:35 AM

1.I love sports!
2.I'm athletic
3.I go to school of arts
4.I draw
5.I sing alone at home
6.I somehow really love Beyonce
7.My favorite TV show is My life as Liz [idk why]
8.I adore MOVIES!
9.I love music
10.I hate Facebook, but don't delete it because of important stuff I sometimes have to write to my friends
11.I don't have a best friend
12.I can speak 4 languages
13.I don't use Skype
14.My hair is chocolate brown
15.My favorite food is BBQ

Deleted • 16 April 2011 at 11:00 AM

Elllloooooo =]
1.) I dance in my kitchen =]
2.) I fall asleep in class.
3.) I am obsessed with Mountain Dew (hint: My mo: Dew 😉)
4.) I'm the shortest person in my grade..
5.) I hate cameras and they hate me.
6.) I'm eating a cupcake, and I'm diggin it 😉
7.) When I have a comment about something I whisper it and hope no one hears.
8.) I blush easily..Yea, it's true T.T
9.) I get jealous easily, and when I do.. Oh it's bad.
10.) My family used to be really, really poor.
11.) I hate braces, even though I don't have them. Many of my friends do, Holli, Jacob, Rachel, Bobby, etc.
12.) 14 years of age 😃

57 posts


tigerlilly_123 • 17 April 2011 at 5:10 AM

Konichiwa 😃
1) took Japanese last year(8th grade, middle-school) and am taking Spanish this year
2) I am a 9 grader(aka a freshman)
3) My name is ...whoops it exploded ah well..
4)The first online game I played was....drum roll plz....NEOPETS!!!
5)I love username 😋 and my neopet username(rosabella_123, neopets rulz)
6)Often get depressed cause I have no boyfriend ☹️ and so many people at my school do
7)I love so many manga and anime I would run out of room
8)My fave color is...
9)I am very particular for ex.....yay heads will roll came on!!!(listening to Pandora) .....sorry back to my list my fave color is aqua
10)I totally dream about guys XD...I wonder if they r thinking of me...
11)what else should I type?
12)I am quite tall for my age, although some call me "short" (which I am so NOT) even though I am about 5 11(5'11) which is so close to 6 feet ....
13) Want to be 6feet
14)Don't have a Facebook...yet 😈
15)Want a Facebook not for the obvious reasons but cause of the games XD
16)Ok I think that's all..
18)I am blonde 😃 (the hair color)
19)I want to be strawberry blonde
20)Dream of meeting Scott again...
21)Trying to get over Scott
22)t\That's all....for now MUAHAHAHAHAHAH 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈

43 posts


sunshine4562 • 17 April 2011 at 10:28 PM

Hi 😋

1. My name is Skyler (:
2. My hair color is Blonde
3. I am obsessed with the show Degrassi ❤️ xD
4. My favorite colors are Pink, Purple & Gold
5. I collect MLP & Sanrio
6. My style is a mixture of Boho & Girly
7. I like Seafood
8. I love getting new stuff
9. I love shopping
10. I love original Disney
11. I have a sister & a brother
12. I want to be a model
13. My birthday is Oct. 10th
14. I love my friends & family the most ❤️
15. My favorite EC creature is a Clous
16. I love anything/anyone who makes me laugh
17. I am in my pajamas right now
18. About to watch a movie
19. I can't wait for summer
20. These are a lot of facts 😋
21. I love listening to music
22. Seventeen & Teen Vogue are my favorite magazines
23. I want to go to Canada,Paris & California
24. Friday is my favorite day of the week
25. I was born in Anaheim, CA currently living in Florida.
26. My zodiac sign is Libra
27. My iPod is purple
28. My eye color is hazel
29. My favorite animals are Tigers & Frogs.
30. I'm not perfect.

223 posts


eggtrainer • 17 April 2011 at 10:53 PM

1. My username is ugly
2. I love the game Legend of Zelda (if you haven't noticed already XD)
3. I am 15
4. I love Pokemon x)
4. I procrastinate too much.
5. I am shy
6. There were two number 4's.
7. I hate English homework
8. I have a lot of pets 😸
9. I hate shopping ;D

1,764 posts


james-bond • 18 April 2011 at 12:02 AM

1. I eat food.
2. Like sheep that baaah.
3. my diary is a procrastinator
4. love my gumboots and beanie and sunnies.
5. Labradoodles rock HARD OUT.
6. Love the amazing race and Dr Who.
7. I have a blue bouncy ball that has been on lost of adventures. I take it to school every day. And once it got stuck on the roof at morning tea time. But I got it down.
8. I love fairytales so much
9. I tackle people in the mall
10. I have been head butted by a ram
11. I've fallen in a duck pond in Autumn. My shirt was full of slimy leaves and duck droppings. And I lost my orange gumboot but my dad fished it out for me.
12. A heard of cows has stampeeded at me on the farm, but I safely got away.
13. I finished on an unlucky number.

14. Nah, I don't want to.

377 posts


hvernon • 27 April 2011 at 1:35 PM

1. I believe in Bigfoot (there are lots of undiscovered places in the world and over 1,000 new animals species are found each year).

2. I play pokemon SS and BLK
3. I am a grammer nerd.

4. I love pokemon!

5. My favorite pokemon is Lugia.

6. I am bad at spelling.

7. Somtimes my teachers asks me questions like: hey I need some help spelling (insert word) can you help me?

8.I am 11.

9. My hair is blonde.

10. My eyes are hazel

11. I love 80's music (it is the best music era).

12. I hate pokemon D and P.

1,553 posts


rabbitwanter • 27 April 2011 at 6:23 PM

1:I wear fake glasses
2:Im supposed 2 wear reading glasses, but i dont xD
3:Im a straight A student...suprizingly o3o
4:I luv 2 talk 2 ppl c: even if they r random ppl off teh internet 😋
5:I did almost all of mai art projects on tacos thins year 😊
7:Mai eye color changes
8:I am looking at teh ppl's above me posts 4 ideas
9:I type funneh eve
10:I make deformed smileys (ex: ewe)
11:I have purple highlights, but they r hardly noticable cuz I didn't bleach mai hair
12:All mai teachers hate/love meh at teh same time 😈
13:I am this old c:


9 posts


gagafox • 27 April 2011 at 6:43 PM

1: my favorite school subject is gym because u dont have to think! 😃
2: i have glasses but i only wear them sometimes
3: the only chocolate i like is hersheys
4: i despise my math teacher >☹️
5: my favorite commercial is the geico one where the dog and the cat have a car chase
6: i cant whistle
7: i am bored
8: i cant really think of anything...
9: i love kittehs 😃
10: i love 2 eat poprocks! 😃

249 posts


chibiloki88 • 28 April 2011 at 2:25 AM

1. im horrible at coming up with things to put on these lists
2. im not interesting or unique
3. im not creative. there is no word in english that is the opposite of creative, so i tell people that it is my name
4. i turned 23 yesterday. i celebrated with leftover chinese and leftover cake from easter
5. i have 3 cats who are my babies. theyre names are calibre, attia, and nixi
6. im in grad school to be a school psychologist
7. i have no life because im in grad school
8. the little spare time i get is divided between talking to my best friend, egg cave, and watching the nostalgia critic
9. i do not have a favorite anything. ever. and i hate when people ask me to pick one
10. i cannot make innane decisions. i never know what to eat for dinner.
11. i will sooner starve than cook dinner. i get up to do it, think about what i want and how much work it will be, and honestly become not hungry again
12. i am an incredibly loyal and responsible person
13. which means that i take care of my cats to a fault and my apartment is devoted to them
14. i spend like half of my birthday/easter money on eggcave, which i regret in hindsight 😋
15. contradicting #9, my favorite color is sage green, but i hate yellow/greens (like olive green), so i tell people my favorite color is purple
16. to further contradict #9, although i love SO many animals and no animal can come close to my babies, my favorite animals are goats and squid 😋 😃

2,773 posts


thepells4 • 28 April 2011 at 7:16 AM

1. My name is Danielle.
2. But people here on EC began to call me Dani and it stuck. *shrug*
3. I'm in fifth grade and I'm 11.
4. I am.
5. I LOVE music! (Ke$ha ftw 😈)
6. I like reading and swimming in the Summer.
7. I'm a straight A student.
8. I'm an adult compared to my little sister. She's 10.
9. I never leave the house without my MP3 player.
10. I know 4 EC users in real life.
11. I'm open to tell people a bit more about myself.
12. Like the next 2.
13. I have dark blonde hair.
14. And blue eyes.
15. Okay, that's all. xD
16.The time where I live is the same as ECT.
17. I picture people on EC as their featured. O_O
18. I don't have glasses.
19. *poke*
20. My cat hates me.
21. My dog too.
22. My favorite color is purple.
23. I like wolves.
24. My username isn't as random as you'd think...
25. Little sisters are annoying.
26. I've never traveled far from my home state.
27. I pretended to quit as an April Fools' joke.
28. I claim the original prank.
29. And then people started copying me.
30. Which must mean that my prank was genius.
31. If someone says something that sounds wrong accidentally, I laugh.
32. I can't believe that I typed so much about myself.
33. It took 15 minutes to type.
34. I hate school.
35. No one likes procrastination.
36. It gives me headaches.
37. If I can't procrastinate, why do I have such high grades...? O_O
38. Must be the trees.
39. Stupid trees. *kicks tree*
40. Why am I still typing?
