Dumb Question about Buying CC

in Help & Questions

601 posts


schusteralex2 • 15 September 2012 at 10:29 PM

@cat It's not a dumb question, took me an hour to figure it out. Call this number and then follow the instructions to register a ZIP code. After that it should work, but if it doesn't it's paypal being dumb and needing to have an address registered to the card, if it does that I can't help you, I'm still trying to figure that one out myself xD The number: 800-571-1376 😊 Hope this helps 😊

Deleted • 16 September 2012 at 7:05 AM

@cat You know, I see you already got help, but I still want to say it: I NEVER bought CC O_O Plus I live in the Netherlands, so no VISA-cards here 😋
