Looking for the pairs of Flaren & Roasen

in Trading & Auctions

2,115 posts


dionaea • 22 July 2011 at 5:34 AM

I'm looking for pairs of the new cave creatures

So far I've managed to trade for:
[] female Flaren
[] male Flaren
[] female Roasen
[] male Roasen

I may also trade for more, once I have pairs, but then I'll want really good offers.

I have UFT:

1 Mummar adult
1 Balrog egg
1 Frogike egg
1 Luckuar egg
2 Flover egg
1 Blobbart egg
2 Whisnaker egg & adult
1 Brohu egg
1 Jester adult
1 Ragon 1st stage
2 Nogar egg
3 Chocob egg
1 Yubby egg
2 Leyma egg
1 Baistay egg
2 Colatay egg
1 Schnee egg
1 Ghosty egg
2 Shillas egg & adult
1 Terron egg
2 Kinump egg
1 Drakomo egg
1 Spritemice egg

Only for both pairs + a CC creature (not necessarily the new one):
1 male Olimpt egg (namechange included)
