
in Entertainment

12 posts


ayme • 25 October 2012 at 3:25 AM

Share your favorite characters, favorite moments, or whatever. ( :

My favorites are England and Canada. I don't know if I could pick a favorite moment, but last Halloween was great.

Here's hoping the Christmas event might end sometime this year, hahah, though Himaruya might just tie in this Christmas with it.

454 posts


doll • 14 November 2012 at 11:55 PM

I'm a HUGE Hetalia fan.

I seriously love every single character, but my personal favorites are Prussia, Germany, Romano, Japan

I was actually going to cosplay as Prussia for Halloween, but due to the terrible hurricane we had the day before Halloween I think the cosplay might be floating somewhere and got delayed, or it's just taking forever to come here.

And I'm super excited for Season 5! 8D

My favorite moments:

1. In the English dub version when someone called out (I forgot who it was) "Everyone, start freaking out! Prussia's here!" and Prussia walks in and he's like "SUCK IT LOSERS" in that accent of his xD
2. Of course the moment when France forces England to marry him 8'D (Beautiful moment.)
3. When Russia ruined England's plan and destroyed the Busby's chair xD
4. In the bar with England and America when England was drunk and rambling to America about how he didn't know if he was Catholic or Protestant
5. When Russia literally took England's stare arrows and ate them (he's the biggest troll, I swear)
6. When Germany was watching Italy sleep and he muttered something about how he once killed a man in his sleep with his own mustache and Italy woke up afraid
7. When Japan and Switzerland do their little dance

And that's all I can seem to think of xD

12 posts


ayme • 21 November 2012 at 3:17 AM

Russia definitely is one of the main trolls of the series.

I don't really know some of those moments directly though. I'm one of those people who tries to pretend the dub doesn't exist.

I'm looking forward to the new season too. The new samples from the new animators are so much better, though I wonder what they'll look like fully animated.

I would need to lose a lot of weight before I'd try to cosplay England, though at least I already have his eyebrows. ~w~

454 posts


doll • 22 November 2012 at 11:39 AM

For this series, the Dubs are great in my opinion. But for any other anime I've watched other than Death Note I prefer the

I agree with you on the animators, and in the next series I've noticed.. Germany actually smiles.. a lot.

Good luck on your cosplay 8D

12 posts


ayme • 6 December 2012 at 3:47 AM

The new style might take some getting used to; it looks so much more like a shoujo style than Himaruya's hahah... I'm not sure about some of the changes, though most of them are small things like the plane on America's jacket (It's so hard to see if they're making it black now.), but hopefully they'll just stay small things that are (sort of) ignorable.

What even is France's hair anymore though. xD I was looking at some of the newest examples I've seen and it's just aldkjfalfdj I'm waiting for it to be down to his waist, it just keeps getting longer and...shinier(?) hahahah

1 post


acezenith9 • 15 August 2014 at 6:00 PM

I loove Hetalia >W<

My favourite characters would have to be Prussia, America, Romano, Denmark and England. Well practically all of them XD

I've only been in this fandom thing for like... 1-2 months... cant remember, but ive watched everything a lot of times XD

I have loads of favourite moments so i can't really pick, but i lke the quote "Man up or i'll beat you with my peace prize"

Its great! XD

Season 5 is supposed to be in Himaruya's I don't really know thats what my friend told me >W<
something like that 😸

I love the dubs there awesome >W<

537 posts


rainbowrocks • 10 September 2014 at 4:11 AM

ive tried to watch it, but it doesnt appeal to me
i guess im missing something?

32 posts


myrna_maeve • 7 November 2014 at 8:05 PM

I LOVE Hetalia! I've been in the fandom for a few years now, and my absolute FAVORITE character is Romania!

I like both the sub and the dub, as both have their moments.

Also, fanfiction. I love fanfiction. And shipping. And fanart.

My favorite moment (or at least one of them) is when Romania debuts in Season 5. He didn't get anywhere near enough screen time, in my opinion.

318 posts


jewelz • 8 November 2014 at 1:18 PM

Romano, Denmark, Netherlands, Switzerland & Poland are my babies 😊

32 posts


myrna_maeve • 8 November 2014 at 8:20 PM

@jewelz Oh, Romano. He's one of my faves, too. Not as big a fave as Romania, but still a fave.
