I wonder poem

in Chit-Chat

178 posts


feather_soul • 30 July 2011 at 1:19 PM

Just posted this to DA

I wonder what would happen if I got rid of my phone
I wonder what would happen if I sat in the dark alone
I wonder what people would think if I left for a year
I wonder if they would notice I wasn't here.
I wonder if my friends are as true as they say
or are they avoiding me day by day
I wonder how many people talk behind my face
I wonder why they never come to my place
I wonder what would happen if I was never online
I wonder what would happen if I was gone for a long time
I wonder what would happen if I never spoke another word
I wonder what would happen if I started loving a nerd
I wonder what would happen if I were eaten by a shark
I wonder what would happen if I was living in the dark
what would people think if I became famous
would they notice?
what would people think if I kept my self nameless
would they care?
why doesnt anyone talk anymore? nobody ever knocks on my door, nobody wants to see my art, why don't I ever get to be a part?

I wrote this poem because for the past two days, even when my friends are online, and I send a message, nobody replies, nobody replies to my texts, when I ask "do you want to see a picture I drew?" I get one wort "no" sometimes it's not even a word, they wont take the time to spell out no, they'll give a nty, but then they ask ALL THE TIME if I want to see their art, and I say yes.

81 posts


biffy • 31 July 2011 at 10:06 PM

maybe you should talk to them about it?
