I need to convince my parents to get me a cat.

in Chit-Chat

3,562 posts


cafe • 1 August 2011 at 5:46 PM


526 posts


masonm • 1 August 2011 at 5:46 PM

so are you saying its ok to put a creature through immeasurable pain just because its an inconvenience to train them not to scratch your furniture??????? a good cat doesn't claw people, and if it does, you'll heal. how would you like it if someone didn't like your nails and just cut off your top joint?? oh, you'd heal of course. eventually the pain would stop. but would you ever be happy about it?

omg i want to punch someone. i can't for the life of me understand how people think its ok to mutilate a creature like that. CUT OFF THEIR FINGERS SO THEY DON'T SCRATCH??? really makes me sick.

strangely enough, my shorthair sheds tons, and my longhair sheds none 😋 *pokes tinypic link*

cats don't really need litter training though. more like, you just need to show them where it is. kittens instinctively know to use something with a consistency like litter, so they really just need to have it pointed out. trust me, i've raised DOZENS of cats 😋 if you have a cat that is peeing somewhere other than the kitty litter, its a behavioral thing. means they're angry about something, or you're not cleaning the kitty litter enough 😋

3,562 posts


cafe • 1 August 2011 at 5:49 PM

I've been scratched many many times. Mostly when I'm carry my cat to bed and she sees the bed is about a foot away and decides to jump to it XD

Other times it's either an accident, my fault, or they're being naughty,

342 posts


fuzzydragon • 1 August 2011 at 5:50 PM

(ok, the rest of my advice)

6)Among short-hair cats, I believe that DSH (Domestic Short Hair) tabbies are the best. They have a balanced personality between other breeds and have great fur colors.
7)Medicines. You may want to have a flea collar nearby and flea shampoo when you have a cat. You never know when they can pick them up.
8)Vets. With an indoor cat, a vet isn't required, but it is recommended that you get the common illness shots.
9)Reading books not only about domestic cats, but wild ones as well can really help you understand cats better. Wild or not, cats think the same.


that's pretty much what I meant. Thanks for clarifying.

(I know what its like when they pee in the wrong place. Trust me, that's why I slipped in the bathroom and hit my head on the sink 😋)

3,562 posts


cafe • 1 August 2011 at 5:54 PM

My cat ended up outside because he'd pee on EVERYTHING. We tried to get different vet help, online help, etc etc.

He's gone now, he ran off and hasn't been back. I miss him, and get hysteric when my two cats get sick and accidently pee on something.

526 posts


masonm • 1 August 2011 at 7:29 PM

i had a cat once that would pee on our dirty clothes pile every time we yelled at him xD most of the cats i've owned would pee on something when they were angry about something or if their kitty litter was neglected. i've raised dozens of cats, but i've owned about 7 in my life. of those 7, three of them were cats that i raised after moving out. none of those three have EVER peed on anything except their kitty litter! *is proud*

3,562 posts


cafe • 2 August 2011 at 6:37 AM


He wasn't mad, just causally peed on stuff. And we kept the cat litter tiddy.

OTL He was just a rebel

1,096 posts


leopardclaws • 2 August 2011 at 2:45 PM

Tomorrow I will read through EVERY post, taking notes, and write down an official to-do list.

526 posts


masonm • 3 August 2011 at 12:12 PM

i should have also mentioned that if you get a cat from a breeder, it needs to be an indoor kitty. breeder kitties are usually raised indoors (they're really pampered 😋 ) and they wouldn't survive outside. my ava would probably walk right up to a rabid raccoon and try to make friends xD also, most breeders will make you sign a contract saying you won't let them be outdoor kitties.

also, indoor kitties live longer than outdoor kitties, and kitties also live longer if there is another cat in the house, than if its a single cat house (statistically)

😸 good luck! kitties are the best!!

1,801 posts


cirrus • 3 August 2011 at 12:14 PM

I love kitty's but my Mom is allergic so we can't get one, I don't know much about cats though. Sorry. 😋

1,170 posts


lizkissz131 • 3 August 2011 at 12:28 PM

Hmm the cats claws aren't that sharp if you clip them. It's good to start with clipping a cats nails very early. I have to kittens who are brother and sister and we to start clipping their nails because they play rough.

3,562 posts


cafe • 3 August 2011 at 12:36 PM

Don't buy from breeders D;

Shelter FTW

2,270 posts


randomkitty17 • 3 August 2011 at 12:47 PM

Hey, 😊

I'm a cat lover, three cats! 😱
Here's a tip if you ever get a cat:

Make sure the cat you are picking seems friendly and kind. If it attacks other cats or you, or hides and wont come out, it may not be your kind of cat. (I have one extremely shy cat and she runs away from anything ☚ī¸ but if you do get a shy cat it may warm up to you.) also, MAKE SURE YOUR CAT DOESN'T EAT ANYTHING OUTDOORS. One of my cats now has mental issues because he ate a poisonous lizard. ☚ī¸ also, (optional) you could get another cat to keep your cat company if you are away, (preferably one that your cat had known, like a cage mate at the pound or a cat from the same breeder) it will keep your cat from getting bored and possibly ruining your furniture 😃

Good luck getting a cat! 😉

1,096 posts


leopardclaws • 4 August 2011 at 4:33 PM

YAY! I got tons of books from the library and now I'm taking notes! @masonm Do you really need to buy cats a bed or could you just let them sleep on a sweater or carpet?

6,239 posts


redstar-fireclan • 4 August 2011 at 4:36 PM

Did u try my idea?

526 posts


masonm • 4 August 2011 at 6:21 PM

cats are silly. most of them time, if you buy them a bed, they'll sleep anywhere BUT the bed 😋 my cats actually happen to love their beds, but of the TONS of cats i've had, they're the only ones to actually use it. cats sleep anywhere. the only thing i recommend getting is a scratching post. just train the kitty to scratch that, put a little catnip on it here and there, and you'll be fine!

the same goes for toys. most of the toys i buy them get ignored, but they always love string and ribbon and feathers....and boxes. cats love boxes and bags!

1,096 posts


leopardclaws • 4 August 2011 at 7:09 PM

@redstar-fireclan What was your idea? Sorry, I got a lot of replies and I might've missed yours. xD

6,239 posts


redstar-fireclan • 5 August 2011 at 8:21 AM

My kitten, Fire, has claws, my mom said to get them declawed and I'm like "NOOO! I love play-Fighting with him! idk if I get cut!"
Yes, I know it's not natural.
So, you can try that.
Say "No! I want to play with him/her (like with a mouse or something)!"
Try that..
hope it helps!
Fire still has not be declawed.
Oh, and if you don't want a loud cat, DON'T get a Siamese. They meow ALLL day and night Dx.
Fire is a Siamese and a Aysmian mix. It's called a Ocicat. They are quiet as a mouse.

1,096 posts


leopardclaws • 5 August 2011 at 8:22 AM

@redstar-fireclan haha I don't think that would work, it would just make laugh haha xD Ocicats are cute 😸.

6,239 posts


redstar-fireclan • 5 August 2011 at 8:29 AM

@leopardclaws True..but he's really annoying when you feed him xD

But it does work 😊
at least, for me.

Deleted • 5 August 2011 at 8:39 AM

declawing is beyond cruel!

i have a cat, a persian cat.

i had to show him where he can scratch.

its easy to do actually. get a scratch pole/mat/etc. keep it close to where kitty frequents, mine is in my room, as kitty is constantly around me.
if you catch him clawing your bed or table or couch - go to him (without scaring the crap outa him so he runs), pick him up, take him t the scratch pole, and physically take his front paws, and gently push down in the center of the paw so his claws come out, and make a scratching motion on the pole (but gently).

do this each time, and from this point if you do catch him on the furniture, just give a sharp 'no'.

thats how i showed my boy where he can scratch.

yes, he still claws the furniture at odd times, but not enough to count on my one hand.

never beat a cat or dog if they do something wrong. they dont understand that. its in their nature to do what they do. it would be the equivalent of getting beaten for breathing.
and only verbally berate (by saying 'no' sharp enough) when they are caught. not after or two hours later.

312 posts


feathershaft • 5 August 2011 at 8:55 AM

Maybe you should get a Ragdoll kitty. They are so cute and gentle! They are aggressive or anything and they don't need to be combed much/at all. Great thing is that they don't go running off into the woods or something-they like their home.

1,096 posts


leopardclaws • 5 August 2011 at 2:23 PM

@feathershaft I do like those cats, they have a lot of good qualities, but they also have some cons. Most of all, they grow to be HUGE!
