Endless Adventures of Wolves (Anyone can Join)

in Roleplaying

1,603 posts


epicthings451 • 24 July 2013 at 1:23 PM

"Sure" Nomi says. She turns around then looks back at Tulip. "But theres four of us. Is that ok?"

2,125 posts


xoxo5959 • 24 July 2013 at 1:27 PM

Cylia perks up from crouching and and spoke "Um, yeah." Cylia says nervously. She walks over slowly and introduced herself. "I'm Cylia and the this wolf is Nomi. We weren't planing to harm you, but we had to feed two more members of our pack."
ops i was a little late


295 posts


animallover94 • 24 July 2013 at 1:31 PM

"Sure." Tulip told her She smiled at Cylia "That's okay." she said "I ate what I wanted off of it anyway." She started to walk away, now that the deer wasn't going to go to waste she could go on with her daily life @xoxo5959 @epicthings451

2,021 posts


ice2505 • 24 July 2013 at 4:35 PM


Nyx narrowed his eyes at the wolf called tulip. She seemed nice...and reminded him of someone from his other pack...Nyx shook his head. "Hey!" He called. " iam sorry I tried to steal your deer...but would you like to travel together till we find a pack...?" He asked hesitatly.

1,603 posts


epicthings451 • 24 July 2013 at 4:39 PM

"WOLF BEHIND YOUUUUUUUUU!!!!!" shrieked Nomi to Tulip.

295 posts


animallover94 • 24 July 2013 at 6:26 PM

Tulip turned to the wolf. "It's okay." she told him "I am sorry for being so rude, I was just angry at the time. And," she hesitated, pondering his question When she had left her old pack, she had planned on being a lone wolf for the rest of her life. But then again, a pack would be nice. "Sure, I guess we could." she told Nyx, and then smiled "Or, if it's okay with Nomi and Cylia, we could join their little pack and save us the traveling." She looked at Nomi and Cylia "Could we join your pack? Well, if you want to." she turned to Nyx "If not, and you say yes," she turned back to Nomi and Cylia "then I would actually prefer to stay with them. They seem like nice wolves. And there are two other wolves, they said, and I'm sure they are equally as nice."

(Sorry for the lengthy post)

@epicthings51 @ice2505 @xoxo5959

2,021 posts


ice2505 • 25 July 2013 at 9:14 AM


Nyx shrugged. "Why not?" Hopefully they won't be annoying he thought. He took a deep breath. "My name is Nyx," He smiled. "Pleasure to join the pack."

1,603 posts


epicthings451 • 25 July 2013 at 9:18 AM

"Of course you can join our pack!!!!" said Nomi.

2,125 posts


xoxo5959 • 25 July 2013 at 10:00 AM

"It would be nice to have more members" Cylia says excitedly

Trans Male
874 posts


quillbunny • 25 July 2013 at 10:07 AM

albine rolls her eyes at the new wolves. they're not that special. she thinks.


2,125 posts


xoxo5959 • 25 July 2013 at 10:18 AM

Cylia turns to Albine still smiling "Hey, Albine! Meet Nyx and Tulip!"


Trans Male
874 posts


quillbunny • 25 July 2013 at 10:28 AM

"whatever." Albine walks forwarda couple steps and looks over the two wolves. "okay."


2,125 posts


xoxo5959 • 25 July 2013 at 10:41 AM

"Abline" Cylia walks closer "Your gonna be around these wolves now. It would be alot easier for you all to get uses to each other"


2,021 posts


ice2505 • 25 July 2013 at 12:31 PM


Nyx narrows his eyes at the wolf apparently named 'Abline'. "Whats your problem?" He growled. "It's not like I chose to join your group, I just needed a pack to be a part of."

1,603 posts


epicthings451 • 25 July 2013 at 2:24 PM

"Guys, calm down." Nomi says calmly. She trys to stettle the argument. "Albine and Nyx, Cylia is right. It would be A LOT easier if you got used to each other."

295 posts


animallover94 • 25 July 2013 at 2:26 PM

Tulip nodded. "I don't get why he's so grumpy though." she said, nodding towards Albine. "Is she always like that?"

@epicthings451 @ice2505 @xoxo5959 @quillbunny

2,021 posts


ice2505 • 25 July 2013 at 2:33 PM


Nyx huffed at Nomi. "Yeah, you're right...IF we get used to each other." He looked over at Tulip, "Probably." He said gruffly.

Trans Male
874 posts


quillbunny • 25 July 2013 at 6:44 PM

Albine is thinking about running away, she does not like others. 😃

@cutebirdy79 Would u like to join?

Albine shifts her paws around uncomfortably."I'll be back" she whispers to Cylia. Albine runs out of the circle, ready to let her anger take control of her. She hunts, easily catching a deer and a few rabbits.

2,125 posts


xoxo5959 • 25 July 2013 at 6:49 PM

Cylia watches Albine run off. "Uhhh so what now? Eat the rest of the deer?" Cylia say walking towards it.


1,603 posts


epicthings451 • 25 July 2013 at 7:44 PM

"I guess... FEAST TIME!!!!!!!!" Nomi and the other wolves leaped on the deer in hunger.

2,021 posts


ice2505 • 25 July 2013 at 7:48 PM


Nyx was a little worried about Albine...I mean, despite her temper, she was still pat of his new pack. He shook his thoughts away and walked toward the deer tulip had killed. Nyx licked his chops, he suddenly felt very hungry. "So what happened to your old pack?" He said with a mouth full of deer.

Trans Male
874 posts


quillbunny • 25 July 2013 at 7:56 PM

Albine chomps into her snacks, hoping the others won't mind if she ate with out them. Nom nom nom yummmy!

She finally eats all of her food, her tummy very full.

She starts to head back, following her trail when she had ran off, back to the spot where they last wher, when she sees a pup. A wolf pup?


2,125 posts


xoxo5959 • 25 July 2013 at 8:03 PM

"Well" Cylia swallows "My Alpha was so bad to everyone. Demaning wolves to do what ever he says. Since i was the best hunter in the pack, He wanted me to be his mate! And so i left."


1,603 posts


epicthings451 • 25 July 2013 at 8:14 PM

"Mfla Lmad" Nomi says with mouth stuffed with deer. Then gulps it. "Hold on i ment. Anyways, I was the only one in the pack who knew how to hunt and fight. And our packs territory contained no food. There for, I left the pack. And I cant believe my Alpha had the nerve to ask me to be his mate!!!"

295 posts


animallover94 • 25 July 2013 at 8:28 PM

Tulip, who was sitting by watching the others eat the deer, replied "I was Beta, but I was elected as Beta long ago, back when I was a respected hunter. But even though I was a beta, the new generations of wolves didn't respect me. The alphas died, one was shot by a hunter the other one caught a deadly disease. I became alpha female and many wolves left because of that. Some wolves stopped doing their jobs, going on strike for a 'better' alpha female. I even overheard three wolves planning a plot to kill me!" She shook her head "I left for the sake of the pack." she finished

@epicthings451 @xoxo5959 @ice2505

2,021 posts


ice2505 • 25 July 2013 at 8:32 PM


Nyx raised his eyebrows. (Wolf with eyebrows?! Lol.) seems like you two had that same problem...anyway," he cleared his throat, "who's the alpha of this pack?"

Trans Male
874 posts


quillbunny • 25 July 2013 at 8:39 PM

Albine will adopt the puppy! Any suggestions for names?

Albine sneaks closer, hoping that she won't scare the pup.

@ice2505 @animallover94 @epicthings451

2,125 posts


xoxo5959 • 25 July 2013 at 8:44 PM


Sorry their all girl names...


1,603 posts


epicthings451 • 25 July 2013 at 8:46 PM


2,021 posts


ice2505 • 25 July 2013 at 8:54 PM

@animallover94 sorry go your ping after I posted.

"That must of been scary..." Said Nyx to Tulip.

@quillbunny why not a guy pup? xD
