The voyage of the eggcavers: a pirate RP!

in Roleplaying

616 posts


chihuahuagirl3377 • 26 July 2013 at 1:22 PM

This RP is about all of our creatures: as pirates! We are all searching for an island that is COVERED in gold and jewels! @xoxo5959
Here is the form:
Type: (good or evil)
Ship design: (how your ship looks, special carvings, flag, ship name, rooms, etc..)
Crew: (the creatures that you would like to RP with, also put their rank next to their name. Example: Nitrome: Captain)
Animal helpers: (any kind of sea creature, to push the ship when there is no current)

Heres my form!
Type: Good
Ship design: Shaped like a narwhal, with carved eyes and a mouth. Two fins on either side for balance, also a room under the tail to even it out. Cannons on the tops of the walls. The flag is a picture of Nitrome's head with crossed swords behind it, with a blue background. A
map room and a dining room below deck. The ship name is The Narhwal.
Nitrome the Pandai: Captain
Foxpelt the Tific: First mate
Urik the Sorien: Co-Captain (steers the ship)
Aztec the Wisnaker: Navigator
Mudpuppy the Feggle: In charge of battle stations
Mapleshade the Kaihon: Lookout
Animal helpers: A pair of orcas

@kodakthewolf @blueclaw

Deleted • 26 July 2013 at 1:43 PM

XD found it 😊 can you explain for me? I don't quiete understand for this pirate rp lol

616 posts


chihuahuagirl3377 • 26 July 2013 at 1:56 PM

well, all our creatures are like pirates, and we all run into each other along the way to the island. The good ones will help each other and share the treasure. The bad ones will try to destroy the good ones, and are greedy and selfish, taking the treasure for themselves. There are many things in the ocean: Sirens, sea monsters, etc..
The rest is explained in the top. 😸

295 posts


animallover94 • 26 July 2013 at 2:54 PM

Type: Good
Ship design: It is large. Shaped like a generic boat. It has a dining room, a bunk room, and the captain's quarters. The flag is a picture of the whole crew against a light cyan background.
Crew (just pretend their hatched because I don't have any hatched creatures yet):
Captain: Daniel the Tasma
First mate: Heather the Alkub
Sailor: Rachel the Yeep
Lookout: Honky the Honk
Navigator: Ivy the Pangolin (male)
Battle Station Master: Valentine the Pinkunk

@chihuahuagirl3377 Can I join?

616 posts


chihuahuagirl3377 • 26 July 2013 at 2:55 PM

@animallover94 Great! Now...Shall we start RPing? or should we wait for more members?

295 posts


animallover94 • 26 July 2013 at 3:01 PM

@chihuahuagirl3377 I think we should start now and let others join as we go if that's okay with you.

616 posts


chihuahuagirl3377 • 26 July 2013 at 3:26 PM

@animallover94 OK! Here we go!

Nitrome climbed up the side of the ship with Mudpuppy on her shoulder. Urik carried Foxpelt up, and Aztec carried Mapleshade up. "We should set sail now." Nitrome said as Urik grabbed the wheel. She whistled, and two orcas appeared. They shoved the boat out into the open water.

(also, I will edit my form and the first post. 😋 you can do that too)

3,079 posts


jemmie • 26 July 2013 at 3:36 PM


Type: Evil

Ship design: Delicately shaped. This ship has ten cannons, five on each side. Its side is designed with delicate gold and silver designs, which is on the ship's belongings as well. It can be considered big, but is not the largest ship in the world. The flag is a glossy black, definitely not matte, with a white eyepatch on it. On the eyepatch is a quote: Don't judge a ship by its cover. It looks very delicate and vulnerable by mostly everyone, but some get what it means.

Captain (Main): Conflagrant the Lerroon (Connie)
First Mate (Second in Command): Nycthemeron the Flaren (Meron)
Shipwright (Maintains the Ship): _Fox_ the Tific (Fox)
Cannon Master (Battle Master): Alerine the Runton (Ally)
Cook (Cooks meals for crew): Extraordinaire the Punbundu (Cook Extra)
Lookout (Keeps and eye out for Enemies): Amply the Mo
Navigator (Navigates and sails): Maladroit the Macaw (Mal)
Doctor (Takes care of Crew): Festoon the Lovart (Doctor Fes, pronounced Fez)

Heres my form!

616 posts


chihuahuagirl3377 • 26 July 2013 at 3:38 PM

@jemmie ok! I'll be watching. 😉

3,079 posts


jemmie • 26 July 2013 at 3:41 PM

How much crew is allowed?

616 posts


chihuahuagirl3377 • 26 July 2013 at 3:44 PM

@jemmie not over 6. 😉

3,079 posts


jemmie • 26 July 2013 at 3:44 PM

You have seven

616 posts


chihuahuagirl3377 • 26 July 2013 at 3:45 PM

@jemmie oh....soryy! not over eight then. 😋

3,079 posts


jemmie • 26 July 2013 at 3:49 PM


616 posts


chihuahuagirl3377 • 26 July 2013 at 3:50 PM

@jemmie okay!

Mapleshade shouted from the lookout post. "I spy a ship!" She lowered her parascope from her eye. Nitrome squinted. "Are they evil or good?" Mapleshade slid down the mast. "They look evil..." Nitrome narrowed her eyes. "Mudpuppy! Prepare the cannons. We may need them..."

3,079 posts


jemmie • 26 July 2013 at 4:03 PM

@chihuahuagirl3377 @animallover94 Im naming it Ship Jemjem! 😸 Also, I dont think we should just go up and fight right away. It needs more drama.

As Jemjem sailed through the waters, its lookout, Amply, called up a ship.
"What is it, boy?" Connie, the captain, called. "Is there another ship? We should get our cannons ready in case they think we're enemies."
"I'm on it!" Ally shouted from the cannons. She loaded them up. Ally thought for a moment. They would need to have the shipwright and doctor ready in case something happened. Also, the navigator should be prepared...
"Meron!" Connie called at the first mate. "Go tell Dr. Extra and Fox to be ready incase of battle."
"Im on it Connie!" Meron called back.
Connie went to where Mal, the navigator was.
"Ship located at 23,50," she said in a low voice, eyes narrowed.
"Got it."

616 posts


chihuahuagirl3377 • 26 July 2013 at 4:09 PM

@jemmie true. I think I will name mine...The Narwhal. XD

Nitrome scurried up the mast to the lookout post. "Looks like they are getting ready to fight too. We'll just wait and see what they do...Urik! Brake the ship!" "Aye aye, captain Nitrome!" He grabbed the rudder stick. Nitrome pulled out her parascope and watched the ship.

295 posts


animallover94 • 26 July 2013 at 4:16 PM

@chihuahuagirl3377 I edited my post, I now have a battle station master. My ship is currently unnamed ☚ī¸

It was boring day on the ship. Heather sat on the dock, making sure nothing went wrong as second in-charge, Rachel stirred the boat when Ivy told her in which direction to stir,a and Honky kept calling out "No ships and no storms!" Then a loud cry shook the ship "SHIP! SHIP!" Honky yelled "READY THE CANNONS! GET THE CAPTAIN!" "Where's Valentine?" Heather asked. The others shrugged. Heather sighed and hurried into the ship to get Daniel. Then Valentine came out "READY THE CANNONS!" Honky yelled to her. "What?" Valentine asked, surprised "SHIP!" Honky screamed Valentine hurried over to the cannons as Heather and Daniel came out. Daniel hurried up to the watchers post "Two ships!
he called down to his crew

616 posts


chihuahuagirl3377 • 26 July 2013 at 4:21 PM

@animallover94 Thats okay. 😸 it can be the first name you think of. 😊

Nitrome spied another ship in the fog. "These don't look bad...They just look....Scared?" She cocked her head.

3,079 posts


jemmie • 26 July 2013 at 5:06 PM

@chihuahuagirl3377 @animallover94
Idk what to do.
As two ships got closer and closer to The Jemjem, it halted abruptly.
"Let's see who's on board," Connie whispered harshly.

616 posts


chihuahuagirl3377 • 26 July 2013 at 5:13 PM

neither do I...XD

Nitrome jumped to the ground and climbed up the carved horn. "Looks like they are preparing to board. Grab your weapons incase we need them!" She grabbed a speargun. Foxpelt grabbed two swords. Urik flipped his eyepatch up and grabbed a knife. Aztec grabbed a wide sword, and Mapleshade grabbed another speargun. Mudpuppy aimed the cannons at the other boat, with a match in his hand. They all waited.

295 posts


animallover94 • 26 July 2013 at 5:23 PM

"Grab your weapons! One of the ships stopped!" Daniel called as he grabbed his sword. Heather, Honky, and Ivy grabbed their swords,Valentine got ready to fire the cannons, and Rachel stopped the boat.

@jemmie @chihuahuagirl3377

616 posts


chihuahuagirl3377 • 26 July 2013 at 8:17 PM

Nitrome stared at the crew as they raised swords. "Do you want to fight?" she called. Her eyes narrowed as she waited for a response.

295 posts


animallover94 • 26 July 2013 at 8:43 PM

"Not particularly!" Daniel called back "We were afraid one of you ships would want to!" @chihuahuagirl3377

616 posts


chihuahuagirl3377 • 27 July 2013 at 6:08 PM

Nitrome lowered her sword. "Oh? Well, well. Are you searching for The Island of Treasures?" She held up her map. Foxpelt leaned closer to her. "What's your plan on these guys?" Nitrome smiled. "Since they aren't selfish...If they are looking for the island, we'll help each other, and split the loot." Foxpelt nodded. "Yes, captain."

2,797 posts


jennifer • 28 July 2013 at 12:09 PM

@chihuahuagirl3377 Ooooooh. This looks exciting! 😃 I'll join.

Type: Good
Ship design: The Sea Titan is a middle sized ship. It holds six cannons, two on the starboard side, two on port and two on the bow/prow. The various rooms (the kitchen, barracks, storage and captain's office) are located under deck. The Sea Titan's flag is black and consists of a sail with a sun, cloud and a fish surrounding it.
Paleontologist: Captain/Navigator: Alkub -me
Archeologist: Co-caption/sailor/steers ship: Kaihon
Kamam: Battle Captain: Caiman
Felltra: Soldier #1/Medic #2: Chimera
Ashe: Soldier #2: Marlay
Moniikey: Soldier #3: Lookout: Mekii
Basian: Cannon person #1/Backup lookout: Macaw
Extracted: Cannon person #2/Medic #1: Flor
Battered: Cannon person #3/Cook: Yeep
Animal helpers: Narwhals

616 posts


chihuahuagirl3377 • 28 July 2013 at 12:24 PM

@jennifer accept! Cant wait for a crew. 😊

2,797 posts


jennifer • 28 July 2013 at 3:21 PM

@chihuahuagirl3377 Done! 😃

Question: What creatures are the members of your crew? Everyone else has it in their form.

In some posts like yours, "Nitrome climbed up the side of the ship-", creatures are doing things humans are able to do but Nitrome isn't human, she doesn't have hands. so how does she climb? That's a rhetorical question.
And look at this:
"She grabbed a speargun. Foxpelt grabbed two swords. Urik flipped his eyepatch up and grabbed a knife. Aztec grabbed a wide sword, and Mapleshade grabbed another speargun. Mudpuppy aimed the cannons at the other boat, with a match in his hand." Again, Mudpuppy does not have a hand and neither does anyone else (unless they're are Mekiis) so they aren't able to hold things (creatures like Tasmas, Chimeras, etc) because they have claws. I guess they could but they need their claws to walk (unless they stood on two legs). That's all.

Sorry if I'm a bother XD

295 posts


animallover94 • 28 July 2013 at 9:39 PM

If you notice, i chose a a handed creature (a Yeep) as my sailor so it could steer the wheel. And my battle station master (a Pinkunk) has hands so she can fire cannons and such. Daniel, Heather, Ivy, and Honky just have to hold weapons with their mouth though, unless Daniel, Heather, and Ivy stood on two legs, which I guess they could. I'm second guessing putting a Honk on my crew though XD @jennifer
"We are!" Daniel called back. Then he got an idea "Since we're both looking for the same island we could help each other!" "And split the treasure!" Heather yelled Daniel nodded @chihuahua3377

2,797 posts


jennifer • 28 July 2013 at 11:07 PM

@animallover94 Yes. Thanks. 😊 I noticed that on your form and I did something somewhat similar.

@chihuahuagirl3377 Awaiting crew acceptance? Can I start?
