EverGreen Academy (Princess/Prince RP)

in Roleplaying

2,125 posts


xoxo5959 • 27 August 2013 at 11:06 PM

May- 4
Logan- 7

May walked through the entrance and saw a girl (Ariana) She looked pretty kind. May walked over "Hi, I'm Princess May but you can just call me May." She greeted trying to make a new friend

Logan peaked up and saw as everyone seemed so cheerful. He had wished he could speak up but there was no way, no how, he wouldn't mess up and making a fool of himself.

@onyx @animallover94 @bookw0rm @jupiter_hollow

1,202 posts


onyx • 28 August 2013 at 1:00 AM

@epicthings451 I think ill choose later or just take whats left in the end.

@xoxo5959 @jupiter_hollow @animallover94 @bookw0rm

Already for a few hours the large form had been wandering through the woods. The tall blond had started his trip to the academy by car but the old, run down vehicle at one point simply stopped, went silent and wouldn't come back to life. Most of the young mans family were aware that it was only a question of time when this would happen and always told him to get rid of the machine but he never drove anything else, perhaps only to prove them wrong.
He felt as if he suffered a personal defeat once he had to get out and continue the rest of the way by foot. The event influenced his naturally bad mood and made it ever worse so he was now cursing loudly and rushing down the road while a unpleasant, dark expression remained on his face. All of his things were gathered in a large backpack he now carried on his back and fortunately it wasn't too heavy as he had brought with him only some clothes and a few small or light objects.
At this point no one could have even suspected that this he was anything more than a vagrant as he wore old casual clothes and was dirty from traveling through the thick woods. As he entered the academy's grounds he became more aware of this and his anger continued to increase. Anyone who noticed him passing by gave him a strange look but made sure to turn away quickly to avoid staring. Some, moving in groups would turn to each other and he could hear their whispers and politely restricted laughter.
Already at boiling point he was ready to trigger a fight at any moment still he somehow contained himself for now and set off in search of his room which he was being forced to share.

1,603 posts


epicthings451 • 28 August 2013 at 12:12 PM


"Hi" Ariana said to May and Elena. "And cool pet" she said to Elena. "This is my pet, Lace" Ariana said and lifted up Lace. Lace shifted and gave a tiny meow. Just then a boy came in and he looked pretty angry. At the same time a woman came in wearing a formal suit. "Welcome ladies and sir" the woman said to Gustav, Ariana, May, and Elena. "You may put your bags along the wall over there" the woman said and pointed to an empty wall will sofas and plush chairs. Ariana motioned for her servant to put her bags along the wall. The servant then walked out and headed for the white limo.


Champ ran back over to Brad with the rubber ball in his mouth. "Good boy" Brad said to Champ and scratched his head. Brad then picked up his bags and walked into the entrance hall. He put his bags over on the wall where everybody elses were. He then walked over to the group of girls, considering that there was no one else to talk to. "Hi" he said to them.


295 posts


animallover94 • 28 August 2013 at 2:18 PM

"Thanks." Elena said to Ariana. "I like Lace too." she reached out and petted Lace. She picked up her suitcase and put it next to Ariana's things. Ariana looked at Brad and May. "Hi!" she said "I'm Elena!" She couldn't help but wonder how many times she would end up saying that. Sunshine chirped and flew off of Elena's shoulder and flew in front of the other three people in the room. She then flew over to the luggage, landed on Elena's suitcase and started to sing.


2,071 posts


cutebirdy79 • 28 August 2013 at 6:44 PM

Carly knew where she was going before her mom told her. "Hello sweetie. I have to tell you something" Carly's mom said.

"I know mom. I'm going to Evergreen and you want me to ride in the limo but the limo thing is not going to happen" Carly snickered. Then she began to run towards the door with her mom yelling behind her. "I don't care mom. Come on Bo" Carly shouted once she was out the door and beside her bike. Bo jumped out of a nearby tree and jumped on the motorcycle. Carly got on the motorcycle and slipped on her shades and grinned.

"You better not start that motorcycle" Carly's mother shouted. Then Carly stared the motorcycle and began to drive off.

"You buckled up Bo?" Carly asked. Bo nodded towards the mirror so Carly could see. "Okay well. We should be at the Academy in an hour or a few minutes" Carly exclaimed. Then she speed up on her motorcycle and made it to Evergreen. "Told you Bo" Carly smirked. Then Bo unbuckled and jumped off the motorcycle. Carly got off the motorcycle and Bo jumped on her shoulder. Then she walked into the Academy.

Tyler had a long talk with his parents last night about Evergreen Academy so he slept in. "Tyler get up" Tyler's little sister screamed. Tyler sat up and stretched.
"I'm up now" He yawned. Then his sister left his room so he could change. Tyler changed and then left his room and went into the kitchen.
"Ready hon?" Tyler's mother asked. Tyler nodded and then his mom nodded to a servant. Then servant left the room and went into the kitchen and brought around the black hummer. Tyler left the kitchen and got in the hummer. His mother got in next. "Your stuff is in the back." His mother exclaimed. Tyler nodded and stared out the window as they began to drive. *hour later* They arrive at the academy and Tyler gets out. His servant gets out too and heads for the luggage.
"Jeff I can get it" Tyler exclaimed. Jeff nodded and got back into the hummer. Then Tyler got his luggage and walked towards the school. As he walked towards the Academy, a black bear cub came running out of the woods. "Hi Keno" Tyler said with a smile as Keno came to Tyler's side.


1,124 posts


bookw0rm • 28 August 2013 at 8:27 PM

@epicthings45 @xoxo5959 @brightpool @tralala22 @onyx
Dorm 5 please, and 7.


"Guess I gotta leave my tree" She mumbled. She saw a scruffy boy entering. "Another scruffy one? My my, this school is different. Better go inside now." She hopped down from her tree and went inside. She saw a group of students and turned invisible to avoid them. She changed her mind and walked up to the guy that was hanging on the outside of the group. She leaned against the wall near him. She thought about saying hi, but didn't want to botch everything up.



He finished inspecting the garden and went inside. He went straight into the group and said "Hi, I'm Jacob!" in a general way. He noticed Shade but didn't say anything. He had a feeling she didn't want to be disturbed. He smiled, and was amazed at the luxury inside.

1,603 posts


epicthings451 • 28 August 2013 at 8:37 PM


Brad walked to a sofa and laid down on it. He crossed his legs and pulled out his ipod. He then put on his headphones and bobbed his head to the music.


10,379 posts


jupiter_hollow • 29 August 2013 at 12:52 PM

All the while being on the tree Reid had tried his best to take a nap, but not only had he been interrupted by a boy and a girl on the trees, but also by the cluster of royals chattering around. And, on top of that, just when he had drifted off, the loudspeaker wedged in the tree branches of the tree he slept on. Needless to say, the sound was ear-splitting and he jolted up with a squawk, rolling off the branch accidentally and falling off the tree.

The backpack he had thrown in the base of the tree cushioned his fall, but it was painful none the less. He sat up with a groan, rubbing his sore back and mumbled a few curses directed towards the speaker.

Reid knew he had no choice but to go inside, since the woman's voice had been beckoning all of the princes and princesses to do just that, but he was very much reluctant to do so. Swinging his backpack onto his back and letting it hang by one strap, he strolled inside, passing the giant hall and then stopping in the middle of the hallway.

Because he, in fact, had no idea where he was going.

What an unfortunate series of events.

He grunted, crouching in the middle of the hallway to pull out a crumpled, coffee stained map of the school and unfolded it roughly, ripping it's edges accidentally. "What the actual heck is this!? Oh my god!" he exclaimed angily, fumbling with the piece of paper.

1,603 posts


epicthings451 • 29 August 2013 at 2:00 PM


As the girls kept on chattering, Ariana saw is fiery haired boy fumble with a map. She walked over to him and asked "Do you need help?"


10,379 posts


jupiter_hollow • 29 August 2013 at 3:34 PM

Startled by the girl's input, Reid snapped his head to her suddenly, ready to yell at whoever made him jump out of his skin, but he stopped himself when he saw it was a girl.
"Oh... hey." he greeted calmly. After he looked at her and recognized her as one of the first princesses that had arrived, he held up the dirty map and showed it to her.
"That lady told us to gather god knows where and I'm a bit lost. Are ya going there?" he wondered, throwing a glance at her again and slightly smiling.
She was dresses royally but she didn't sound snobbish, which delighted him greatly.

1,603 posts


epicthings451 • 29 August 2013 at 4:19 PM


"Where she said we need to be is where we are at this very moment" Ariana said to him and returned a smile back to him. Jsut then the woman entered the entrance hall. "Welcome Princes and princesses. Im your Head Mistress, Ms. Keller. Your dorms are listed on the wall. When you are ready to go to your dorm please receive your dorm key which is on the front desk. each key had your name engraved on it" the woman said. "Well, I guess Ill be going" Ariana said to the prince. She turned and walked to the front desk to get her dorm key.


10,379 posts


jupiter_hollow • 29 August 2013 at 4:21 PM

Reid looked at the girl in confusion.
"But this is a... hallway. Are we seriously supposed to be stuffed in a hallway?" he asked incredulously.
"If so, where are the others?"

Deleted • 29 August 2013 at 5:00 PM

@epicthings451 are you still accepting? If so, can I join?

Name: Lilianna Hanson.
Gender: Female.
Age: 18
Look: Shoulder length brown hair and green eyes. Slightly tanned skin. She usually wore a red tank top, a pink skirt, green running shoes, a pearl bracelet and silver necklace with a lightning bolt pendant despite being a princess.
Personality: Kind and sweet and very shy. Sort of anti-social and rarely talks to anyone. When she gets to know you, your one of the only people she talks too. When she gets scared, she gets really scared. It takes a lot to get on her bad side, but when you do she gets really angry. She often talks to her bearded dragon dracula. She's never liked dresses and high heels, hence her outfit, and hopes she won't have to wear dresses or high heels at the academy.
Crush: None.
Power: Super speed
Pet: Her bearded dragon (a type of lizard) named dracula.
Other: None

1,603 posts


epicthings451 • 29 August 2013 at 7:30 PM

@dramatic accepted!!! 😸

Ariana stopped in her tracks and turned to face him (Reid). "Its not exactly a 'hall'. Its more like a BIG lobby, only i guess they didnt want to call it a lobby. So instead they called it Entrance hall because it sounds........um...........fancy." she said to Reid. "Correct" Ms. Keller said. 'Creepy much' Ariana thought.

Any dorm requests?


1- Princess Elena

2- Princess Carly

3- Princess Ariana

4- Princess May, Princess Emily

5- Princess Shade



7- Prince Logan, Prince Jacob

8- Prince Tyler

9-Prince Brad



1,124 posts


bookw0rm • 29 August 2013 at 8:47 PM

@epicthings45 @xoxo5959 @brightpool @tralala22 @onyx


She walked and moodily got her dorm key then turned invisible and went to her dorm. "Please don't let me have a roommate" she muttered quietly. She arrived and went in. "No one yet" she mumbled. She returned from invisibility and took out the clothes she packed in her backpack. She hung it in the closet, and called Shadow from where she was hiding in the pack. Shadow immediately grew to normal size and laid down on the bed along with Shade to wait to see if there was a roomie.



He got his key and checked out his room. There was another prince's things in there, Jacob wondered if he would be snobby or nice. Jacob unpacked this things, and waited on his bed for the other prince to come or for there to be an announcement of what to do next.

2,125 posts


xoxo5959 • 29 August 2013 at 8:57 PM

Logan got his key and walked to his dorm. He hesitated to open the door, wondering if is room mate was there. Logan opened the door and saw another prince. "Hi..." Logan greeted ackwardly then trailed off.

May got her key and went to her dorm. She opened the door slowly and saw no one there. She smiled gladly and placed her thing on the bed. She opened her bag and grabbed a semi-short dress and changed in the bathroom.

@bookw0rm @epicthings451 @dramatic @jupiter_hollow @cutebirdy79

1,603 posts


epicthings451 • 29 August 2013 at 9:00 PM


She continued to walk to the front desk and got her key. She then walked over to her bags and picked them up. Ariana walked down the dorm hallway and found her dorm. She dropped her bags and unlocked dorm #3's door. Then she hulled all her bags in. The room had a shiny marble floor, velvet curtains, a golden bed with an overhang, a golden vanity, a walk in closet, a golden dresser. and a marble topped desk (every dorm room has this).


Brad took off his headphones and turned off his ipod. He then picked up his bags and got his dorm key. Brad walked down the dorm hallway and seeked out his dorm.

@bookw0rm @dramatic @jupiter_hollow @xoxo5959 @animallover94

2,071 posts


cutebirdy79 • 29 August 2013 at 9:42 PM

@epicthings451 @xoxo5959 @bookw0rm @Jupiter_hollow
(Dorm- 2,Carly Dorm- 8, Tyler)

Carly entered the academy and saw that the lobby had cleared out. "Must be going to there dorms" Carly exclaimed as she took of her shades.Then she went to the front desk and got her key. Then she headed to her dorm.

Tyler entered the academy and saw that the lobby had cleared out. Then he looked to the front desk and saw a girl(Carly). 'Guess we go to our dorms' Tyler thought. Then he waited for the girl to leave before he got his key. When he had his key, he caught up with Carly. "Hello May I walk with you?" Tyler asked. 'Darn-et I forgot to add that my name's Tyler' Tyler scolded himself.

Carly turned to the boy and smiled. "Sure and I'm Carly and your Tyler" Carly snickered.

Tyler was surprised at how Carly knew his name. "How did you know my name was Tyler?" Tyler asked.

"I can read minds" Carly replied. Then Bo looked down at Keno and screeched. "Oh Bo I don't think she will hurt you or me" Carly whispered to Bo. "Nice black bear and this monkey right here is Bo" Carly said as she pointed at Bo on her shoulder.

"Oh thank you. Well this is Keno and nice spider monkey" Tyler replied with a smile. 'I have made one friend I think' Tyler thought.

"Yes you have made a friend. This is my dorm so see you around then" Carly exclaimed with a smile before she entered her dorm.

Tyler smiled and then walked to his dorm.

1,984 posts


tralala22 • 30 August 2013 at 6:59 AM

@epicthings451 Dorm 4?😃

Emily kicked her feet at the car. "You want me to get in that thing?" She pointed at the limo. "I'm from the farm!" But her mother dragged her in anyway. She shrugged. "Oh well." She mumbled. After an hours drive, she saw a mansion in the distance. "So I'm going to PRINCESS school?" She asked, giggling.

Pulling her luggage up the marble stairs, she waved goodbye to her parents and shrugged. She didnt want to disappoint her parents which meant coming here.

She looked around, dusted her skirt, took a breathe and hustled in. She pushed the huge door and inside it was magnificent, looking all posh. Gasping in excitement, she ran over to a nearby girl. (May)

1,603 posts


epicthings451 • 30 August 2013 at 2:48 PM

OK, so instead of every dorm room being the same, your princess/prince can design his/her own half of or the whole dorm room!!! They didn't have to bring supplies, but instead, magic does their command for them 😸


Ariana stepped into her room. 'Well this is........ ugly.' Ariana thought as she looked around the dull room. Just then a letter rapped tied up in a satin ribbon flew out of no where and floated in front of Ariana and unrolled itself. Ariana read out loud:

Dear Princess/Prince,

The room is dull, but you can decorate your half to your taste!!!!! You didnt need supplies but instead magic does it for you!!! All you need to do is say what kind of room you want or furniture out loud and the magic will do the rest. The magic will put the furniture in a spot it recommends, but if you dont like it just give it a destination for the new spot. Enjoy!!!

EverGreen Academy

"Cool!" Ariana exclaimed. Lace let out a cheerful meow.


Brad finally found his dorm. He dropped his bags and unlocked the door. Champ raced into the room but skidded to a stop. "Whats wrong boy?" Brad said as he hulled in his bags. Once again he dropped them and then a flying letter came out of no where and floated in front of Brad. The letter said the same thing as Ariana's letter. When he was done reading, he pumped up a fist and said "YESSS!!!!!!"

1,124 posts


bookw0rm • 30 August 2013 at 6:51 PM


Shade laid on the bed waiting for a roommate to come. She took Shadow, her wolf, out of her pack so Shadow could grow full size. She put her stuff away, got her laptop, and went on EggCave. The magical scroll flew in. She rolled her eyes and said, "Magic, please make the room black, with a black desk, a nail polish rack, and a black closet. More stuff later though."



"Hi! I'm Jacob, or Jake, if you want. What's your name?" he said to the prince standing in the doorway. "Are we going to be roomies?" He then got the scroll saying about decorating his room. He thought about an indoor garden for a room, and poof it was done.

1,603 posts


epicthings451 • 30 August 2013 at 7:48 PM


Ariana stood there thinking about which room she would want. Just then she made up her mind "Magic, make my dorm my style, if you know what i mean." Sparkles flew and in their place was furniture. Here is her room:


And her other half:


"Perfect" Ariana said in amazement. Lace meowed in agreement.


"Magic, make it my style. But cool." Brad commanded the magic. Sparkles flew every where and in its place were furniture. Here is his room:


"Just right" he said in confidence. Champ barked and leaped up onto the bed.


1,984 posts


tralala22 • 30 August 2013 at 7:50 PM

@bookw0rm @epicthings451

Emily shout out a squeal which made everyone look at her. She blushed and rushed over to an adorable wolf. "Hi!!!!!" She screamed and reached out her hand to pet the wolf. "What's his name? And you?" She smiled, hoping to make a first friend.

2,125 posts


xoxo5959 • 30 August 2013 at 7:51 PM


Logan looked at the prince who says his name is Jake. He shrugged and started to make his way towards his bed "I'm Logan" He greeted as he ploped down on the bed. "I hope you don't mind having my half the room being forest themed" Logan joked as the magic turned his part of the room into a forest theme room.


May got out of the bathroom dressed in her training dress (seen in appearence picture). She turned and saw a girl "Oh, hello. You must be my room mate." May walked to her luggage and stuffed in the poofy dress she was wearing earlier. "I'm Princess May, but you can just call me May" May greeted with a smile. A scroll then appeared in front of May. May opened it and thought about the design.

@bookw0rm @epicthings451 @tralala22 @cutebirdy79 @dramatic

1,603 posts


epicthings451 • 30 August 2013 at 7:59 PM

Change of plans!!!! Heres her room:


and her other half:


Im gonna edit my other post XD

2,125 posts


xoxo5959 • 30 August 2013 at 8:51 PM


Ummm i'm confused of where you are. Are you at the entrance? Are you in May's dorm? Or are you in Shade's dorm? WHERE ARE YOU >~<

1,984 posts


tralala22 • 30 August 2013 at 11:28 PM


Sorry! Im at Shade's dorm, and Im leaving to my dorm (Yours too) I ll go now.


Emily squeaked. "Sorry I gotta go." She whispered at the little fella and his owner. She scuttled away when she saw the dorm number 4. "My dorm," she thought to herself, wondering if she was late, or if someone was sharing a dorm with her. She smashed the door open and saw a girl. "Hi!" she shouted, waving. "I'm Emily. And you are? You're sharing a dorm with me, correct?"


Making another character!!~~


Name: Matilda Kimber
Gender: Female
Age: 17

http://media.photobucket.com/user/DCLUVR02/media/abby22.jpg.html?filters[term]=cute anime girl with brown hair&filters;[primary]=images&filters;[secondary]=videos&sort=1&o=1

Personality: Cheesy, and almost every boy digs her. Absolutely beautiful, wears a LOT of make up, and sister of Emily.
Crush: Brad
Power: Beauty and Love (Bit like Cupid on the second one)
Pet: (you dont need to have one if you dont want one) Thinks they are dirty
Other: N/A

1,603 posts


epicthings451 • 31 August 2013 at 8:54 AM

@tralala22 accepted!!!!! 😸


Ariana started to unpack her stuff. Lace leaped up onto the bed and curled up into a ball. Finally, she was finished unpacking when the loud speakers came on. "Attention princesses and princes. Today you can wander the academy and its grounds. In a few minutes we will be calling princes and princesses down to the nurses office to be scanned. You are being scanned because we need to identify your power or powers. Starting tomorrow you will have classes. Thank you!!!"


Brad flopped down onto his bed and decided to unpack his stuff later. Just as he was getting comfy, the announcement came on. After the announcement ended, Brad got up and walked out his door with Champ following behind. 'They didnt say we couldnt visit the girls, so why not?' Brad thought. He entered the girl dorm hallway.


2,071 posts


cutebirdy79 • 31 August 2013 at 12:10 PM

@epicthings451 @xoxo5959 @tralala22 @jupiter_hollow @bookw0rm

A letter flew in front of Carly's face. "What is this?" Carly said as she grabbed the letter and began to read it. "Magic eh" Carly exclaimed. Then she said her room should look like this:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/marycookassociates/6811051236/in/photostream/lightbox/. Then she left her dorm and saw a boy(Brad). "Hello" Carly said.

Tyler got the same letter and said his room should look like this: http://www.flickr.com/photos/marycookassociates/6811051236/in/photostream/lightbox/ and then he unpacked. Then he left his dorm and went outside with Keno.

1,124 posts


bookw0rm • 31 August 2013 at 4:13 PM

@epicthings45 @xoxo5959 @brightpool @tralala22 @onyx


Shade looked up to see a girl squealing over Shadow. Shade said "Yes, Shadow is adorable, and is this your dorm?" Shade wasn't really in the mood for anything. She supposed she was being a bit.... icy, but that's how she was. "C'mon Shadow, let's go to the nurse." She fizzled into invisibility and floated to the nurse.

Jacob aka Jake

"No, I love anything to do with growing stuff. My side is a garden, as you can tell." Jacob replied. He then heard the announcement about the power check. "Oh geez, I'll get lost going to the nurse! Do you know the way?" Jake asked Logan.
