S.U.P.E.R. School- Discussion Thread

in Roleplaying

1,801 posts


cirrus • 17 October 2013 at 7:12 PM

I would like to say, yes, I realize that there are already three(or four) RPs about a superhero school. However, I was only part of one of them, and didn't steal anything from any of them.

Before you join, I would like you to read the RP topic here: http://www.eggcave.com/forums/topic/44926

•You go when your 13 because they think you've had enough human training by then. You graduate at age twenty.

•There are only a couple people in the entire school who are being trained to be superheroes but they are a normal person. Therefore, only one person may have a character who has no powers, it is first come, first serve.

•Year 1: Only take the 7 main classes
•Year 2: Ability to select extracurricular activities
•Year 3: You can select electives, but must choose at least two
•Year 4: Drop any classes you don't need, but you must have at least seven classes, and at least five of them must be part of the seven main classes
•Year 5: Mentor selection at the end of the year
•Year 6: Every two months, you take a two week break to be your mentors sidekick
•Year 7: Out of school every other month being a sidekick. At the end of the year, you decide if you want to become a superhero, and decide where you will be located.

Classes Per Year:

Year 1:
Martial Arts- Required
History of Heroes- Required
Power Science- Required
Botany and Chemistry- Required
Tactics and Strategies- Required
Power Control- Required
Weapons- Required

Year 2:
Martial Arts- Required
History of Heroes- Required
Power Science- Required
Botany and Chemistry- Required
Tactics and Strategies- Required
Power Control- Required
Weapons- Required

Choir- Extracurricular
Art and Photography- Extracurricular
Band- Extracurricular
Sports Teams- (Super Dodgeball, Martial Arts, Wrestling, Racing, Capture the Flag)- Extracurricular
Human Skills- Extracurricular
Drama- Extracurricular

Year 3
Selected Martial Art- Required
History of Heroes- Required
Power Science- Required
Botany and Chemistry- Required
Tactics and Strategies- Required
Power Control- Required
Weapons- Required

Choir- Extracurricular
Art and Photography- Extracurricular
Band- Extracurricular
Sports Teams- (Super Dodgeball, Martial Arts, Wrestling, Racing, Capture the Flag)- Extracurricular
Human Skills- Extracurricular
Drama- Extracurricular

Applied Botany and Chemistry- Elective
Transpecies Fighting- Elective
Another Selected Martial Art- Elective
Foreign Language- Elective
Technology- Elective
Forensic Sciences- Elective
Criminal Profiling and Detective Work- Elective
Survival Skills- Elective
Disguise and Camouflage- Elective
Healing- Elective
Gymnastics- Elective

Year 4:
Selected Martial Art
History of Heroes
Power Science
Botany and Chemistry
Tactics and Strategies
Power Control- Required

Choir- Extracurricular
Art and Photography- Extracurricular
Band- Extracurricular
Sports Teams- (Super Dodgeball, Martial Arts, Wrestling, Racing, Capture the Flag)- Extracurricular
Human Skills- Extracurricular
Drama- Extracurricular

Applied Botany and Chemistry
Transpecies Fighting
Another Selected Martial Art
Foreign Language
Forensic Sciences
Criminal Profiling and Detective Work
Survival Skills
Disguise and Camouflage

Year 5:
You have to take the same classes you took before, aside from a more specific power control class(or classes):

The Elements
Light and Darkness
Weather, Electricity, and Natural Disasters
Shapeshifting, and Invisibility
Super Botany and Chemistry
Physical Powers and Transportation
Advanced Healing
Knowledge and Technology

Year 6:
Same as year 5.

Year 7:
Same as year 5.

Main Classes:
Martial Arts- Taken during years 1 and 2, classes that teach the basics of many types of martial arts, including offense and defense.
History of Heroes- Classes taken throughout your schooling period, teaching about superheroes in the past and present.
Power Science- A class taken throughout your schooling period, that teaches about the science behind how superpowers are obtained and work.
Botany and Chemistry- A class taken throughout your schooling period, which teaches about different things relating to botany and chemistry such as poisonous and helpful plants, poisons, antidotes, and other things that a hero might need to know.
Tactics and Strategies- A class taken throughout your schooling period, which teaches about different battle tactics and fighting strategies.
Power Control- A class taken during years 1-4, arguably the most important class, which helps students learn to use their powers.
Weapons- A class taken throughout your schooling period, which teaches students how to properly and effectively use a variety of weapons.

Choir- Pretty self explanatory, you sing.
Art and Photography- An art and photography class, however, it really focuses on using your powers to create art.
Band- Self explanatory, you play instruments.
Sports Teams- (Super Dodgeball, Martial Arts, Wrestling, Racing, Capture the Flag)- Super dodgeball is dodgeball, but you can use your powers. Martial Arts is doing any form of martial arts competitively. Wrestling is basically martial arts, but you can use your powers. Racing is racing, but you can use your powers, and drive superhero cars that have high tech stuff. Capture the flag is played in various locations, usually outside, and you can use your powers.
Human Skills- The same as home economics.
Drama- Pretty self explanatory, you do plays.

Applied Botany and Chemistry- Applying what you learn in botany and chemistry, and using your powers in relation to that.
Transpecies Fighting- Learning how to defend yourself from animals without killing the animal, and how get animals to fight for you.
Another Selected Martial Art- A second selected martial art.(see selected martial art below in replacement classes)
Foreign Language- A foreign language, anywhere from Spanish to Swedish, to languages only superheroes know.
Technology- A class teaching how to use technology to your advantage, such as hacking, coding, rerouting, and other needs.
Forensic Science- A class teaching about forensic sciences. (look up forensic science)
Criminal Profiling and Detective Work- A class designed to become great at solving mysteries and figuring out the motives behind villains.
Survival Skills- A class designed to help you live on your own, whether lost or on the run, and how your powers can help.
Disguise and Camouflage- A class that teaches you to camouflage, or hide in plain sight.
Healing- A class teaching health, first aid, and how your powers can save someone else's life.
Gymnastics- A class designed to teach you how to be quick and agile, able to dodge any attack.

Replacement Classes:

Selected Martial Art- A class taken years 3-7, which replaces the Martial Arts class, and focuses on a specific martial art including, but not limited to, karate, jujitsu, ninjutsu, taekwondo, etc.

Specific Power Control- A class taken years 5-7, which replaces Power Control, and is designed to have a more in depth experience on your powers.
-The Elements: A class providing a further look into powers dealing with the four elements, fire, water(ice), earth, and air.
-Light and Darkness: A class providing a further look into powers dealing with light and darkness.
-Weather, Electricity, and Natural Disasters: A class providing a further look into powers dealing with weather manipulation, electricity control, and other natural disaster control.
-Shapeshifting and Invisibility: A class providing a further look into powers dealing with shapeshifting and invisibility.
-Super Botany and Chemistry: A class providing a further look into powers dealing with plant manipulation and chemistry, such as transmutation and other atomic based powers.
-Physical Powers and Transportation: A class providing a further look into powers dealing with physical abilities, such as super strength or super speed, and transportation, such as flying or teleporting.
-Advanced Healing: A class providing a further look into powers dealing with healing or fixing things.
-Knowledge and Technology: A class providing a further look into powers dealing with superhuman memory or knowledge, or technology.
-Psychics: A class providing a further look into powers dealing with the mind, such as telekinesis, mind control, or mind reading.
-Gadgets: A class providing a further look into technology that can be used in place of superpowers. This class is only for the few students who have no powers.

Somehow, my post was too long, so I will continue in my next post.

1,124 posts


bookw0rm • 17 October 2013 at 9:06 PM

Name: Shadow Wraith
Superhero Name/Nickname: The Shadow
Appearance: black teeshirt/black skinny jeans/black sneakers/black long Wavy hair that's usually in a braid/light brown freckles/gray eyes/mouth is a kinda frown.
Personality: She's kind of a loner, but is very loyal and protective when you know her.
Powers: To turn invisible, fly, and be a ninja (like walk really quietly and be good at like stealing stuff)
How powers were obtained(optional): She got angry and wanted to disappear so she did. Flying: she started flapping her arms and practiced so she doesn't have to flap. Ninja: Shadow wanted to be a ninja, so she practiced.
Skills(optional) Good at stealing things, good with old weapons, like swords, bow and arrows, daggers, etc.
Other: 😊

1,801 posts


cirrus • 17 October 2013 at 9:23 PM

@bookw0rm Thanks! 😃 And I think you got a little confused, can you delete most of that post above, as it is very long and will probably confuse some people.

Here's the rest of the stuff:

-Headmaster: Alatar: A wise old man, with the power to control the four elements.(He's like Dumbledore)
-Martial Arts: Venus Hargur: Better know as the superhero Venus, Venus Hargur is a woman who just recently graduated the school, and teaches basic martial arts to years 1 and 2. Her power is the ability to turn herself into a poisonous gas.
-History of Heroes: Bernice Terrier: A strict, grump old woman who is always complaining about the children, because she didn't have good training when she was a superhero. Her power is the ability to control water, and turn into any creature that lives in the snow.
-Power Science: Arnold Theisen: A middle aged teacher, who is very nice, and let's the students get away from anything. His power is the ability to take on one or more features of a bird, such as their beak, wings, or claws.
-Botany and Chemistry: Simon Derrilas: The botany and chemistry teacher, an awkward man, that smiles all the time, and is a bit of a nerd. He has the power to rearrange atomic structures, bringing objects to life.
-Tactics and Strategies: Hilda Lenalda: The kind, yet strict Tactics and Strategies teacher, known as the superhero Warhamer. She wears all red, and is said to treat you like her soldiers, rather than her students. She can control metal.
-Power Control: William Hessberg: The teacher who is most students favorite, Professor Hessberg teaches all of the Power Control classes, and has the ability to go back or forward in time one hour, as well as shoot beams out of his hands, all different colors, and they have different effects.
-Weapons: Werwit Venice: A tall, skinny teacher who is every bit as clever as Professor Lenalda, though nobody says so, because she wouldn't be happy about it. He has a very long and skinny face, and a tiny French mustache. He dresses like a stereotypical mime, without the face makeup, and has the power to camouflage himself, and other things, even the power to change his skin color.

•Also, I'm open to any ideas you may have, especially about extracurricular activities.

-No godmodding
-No Mary Sues
-This is literate, so at least three sentences per post.
-No OOC in the RP thread unless it's accompanied with some RPing.
-You may die, and people will die, but only you can make yourself die, unless somebody else gets your permission.
-I'm working on the plot for year 1, so don't start making up some plot yet. 😃
-You all will start in year 1, and have to progress through the years as the story continues.
-All first years have no option for extracurricular or electives.
-All first years have the same classes, taken in the order shown up above.
-In year 1, their powers will be VERY underdeveloped. At the beginning of the school year, their powers will be practically nonexistent, so don't have your character running around doing all these amazing things.
-If you've read all that, put a smiley face in the other section. If you don't put a smiley, I won't accept your form.


Superhero Name/Nickname:
How powers were obtained(optional):


Lucas Arnterment

Shadow Wraith

Brooke Simmons
Josh Hale

Emily Carmen Nightingale

Rain Rivera

Declan Bikha

Deleted • 19 October 2013 at 11:07 AM

@bookw0rm Are you going to join, and even if your not, please delete that really long post.

My(skittlejg's) form:
Name: Lucas Arnterment
Superhero Name/Nickname:None yet
Appearance: He has snow white hair, and is very pale. His eyes are a pale, icy blue, and he has no freckles. He always wears a white shirt, white shorts, and no shoes.
Personality: Lucas is very shy, and almost never talks unless he really feels comfortable around you. He is tentative of his powers, and doesn't like to use them often.
Powers: Limited ability to control light. Lucas can take away a light source and keep it within himself to use later. However, he only takes away the light itself (if he takes away the light of a flame, it will still give of the same amount of heat unless you put it out, but it won't light up a dark room.) When he has light stored within himself, he can use it to make a fire, relight the fire or light bulb in which he took the light from, light a light bulb even if it's burned out, direct it to his eyes which will cause them to glow blue and give him night vision, shoot it from his hands (which essentially turns his hands into flashlights), or create objects/animals out of the light which he can use to fight. He can, however, run out of light, and be unable to use his powers. He can also make light shine completely through something or some one, making them or it invisible.
How powers were obtained(optional): He has had them since birth, but he doesn't know how he got them. He barely knows what they are, the only thing he is sure of, is that they had something to do with light.
Other: 😃

1,124 posts


bookw0rm • 19 October 2013 at 11:16 AM

Ok, on it. Sorry to anyone/everyone for being so confusing ☹️.

1,801 posts


cirrus • 19 October 2013 at 11:21 AM

@bookw0rm I'm sorry, it was bugging me how it was so long. XD My problem, not yours.

But are you still going to join?

1,124 posts


bookw0rm • 19 October 2013 at 3:01 PM

Yep. Ok, so,
Pings from my friends that said they liked RPs and this is one:

1,801 posts


cirrus • 19 October 2013 at 3:13 PM

@bookw0rm Thanks! 😃 I'll ping some more people:

@jupiter_hollow Your probabally the best RPer I know. 😃

10,379 posts


jupiter_hollow • 19 October 2013 at 3:15 PM

@skittlejg You little flatterer you xD I was about to reply by the way. I'd love to join, but school is a bit hectic, so do promise you won't get mad if I'm slow xD

1,801 posts


cirrus • 19 October 2013 at 3:21 PM

@jupiter_hollow XDD It's true. And yea, I don't mind if your slow. 😋

Edit: Jupiter, where are you?

2,071 posts


cutebirdy79 • 20 October 2013 at 4:18 PM

Name: Brooke Simmons
Superhero Name/Nickname: Whisper
Appearance: medium-length black hair that fades to white. She has blue eyes that turn white when she uses her power. She wears a white sweatshirt, gray tank top, white skinny jeans and gray combat boots. She has a scar on her right cheek from a cat.
Personality: she is quiet and always whispers to herself but when she knows you she can be sweet and caring. She does have a tough and mean side that only comes out when fighting.
Powers: Illusions (able to project images and illusions into people's minds)
How powers were obtained:A late-night encounter with a mysterious, fatally-wounded cat, that was only her imagination, scratched her on her cheek.
Other: has a pet shadow hawk named Shade, that is an illusion that only she can see as a hawk but other people see as a shadow on a wall. 😃


1,801 posts


cirrus • 20 October 2013 at 4:20 PM

@cutebirdy79 Accepted! 😃

@jupiter_hollow Still going to join?

1,984 posts


tralala22 • 26 October 2013 at 7:53 PM


Name: Emily Carmen Nightingale
Superhero Name/Nickname: Nightingale or Night
Appearance: Dark brown hair, about to be up to her shoulder. Fuzzy any tangled most if the time. But to her that's her difference and her way to show her strength to her enemy. Black tight leggings and a half shirt revealing her belly button. Really slim and pretty, is found very attractive.
Personality: Attractive. But very harsh in who she likes. Very hard to get her to like you so you have to be very sleek, slim, and have a good strength, like speed or agility. Has a determined look on her face. Always very sleek and straightforward.
Powers: Night can fight very well, using her black belt in Kung Fu. Her power is speed and strength. For example she is facing an enemy right now, her top choice of defeating him is Kung-fu.
How powers were obtained(optional):
Other: 😊 Hates pets. Lives in the tech world.

1,801 posts


cirrus • 27 October 2013 at 3:05 PM

@tralala22 Accepted! 😃 But what do you mean by lives in the tech world?

@jupiter_hollow Where have you gone?

1,984 posts


tralala22 • 1 November 2013 at 8:32 PM


Always Technology!😃

1,801 posts


cirrus • 7 November 2013 at 5:45 PM

@tralala22 Okay... 0.O

@cutebirdy79 Sorry, but I just realized, you forgot something. 😃

@jupiter_hollow You're on!?!?! Where have you been?!

Edit: Noooo! Where did you go! D:

2,071 posts


cutebirdy79 • 7 November 2013 at 9:31 PM

@skittlejg did I fix it? 😃

10,379 posts


jupiter_hollow • 12 November 2013 at 7:56 PM

@skittlejg Sorry hun,decided to take a break off of eggcave ^^ I'm sort of back now, though not sure if I can still join?

1,801 posts


cirrus • 13 November 2013 at 5:46 PM

@jupiter_hollow Well, welcome back!!! You've been gone soooo long! And I'd be happy for you to join, we haven't started because we still need one person. D:

Pings (Sorry if you don't like being pinged!)


2,125 posts


xoxo5959 • 13 November 2013 at 6:04 PM

Name: Rain Rivera

Superhero Name/Nickname: The Daughter of Mother Nature

Appearance: Rain has black hair with natural lighter brown highlights. It's a bit wavy but is considered straight to most people. The hair is parted so there is more hair towards her right side.
Her eyes are a mix of blue and green, her left eye is more green than blue. Rain has a fairly round face but not enough to make her look childish.
Rain's quite small and skinny for girls her age. Her frame makes her look fragile and can be easily pushed over. (Height 5'4")
Has a couple of scar around her forearm from her previous experience with learning to control her ability with fire.
Likes to wear sweaters to cover the scars on her arms but during the summer or hot days she tends to wear bandages to keep people and friends from seeing or asking her about them.

Personality: Rain loves to smile. She gets bored very easily, yet can find fun things to do. Rain loves to make new friends but acting herself had always been a struggle. Rain suffer Nyctophobia, having the fear for complete darkness, since she was first set in a dark room at the age of 3 years old. (Never tells anyone about it till they've witness her having panic attacks or in the mode of being petrified.) When she's close to someone she would make jokes and be sarcastic and rude. Sometimes she won't even notice she hurt their feelings.

Powers: The Elements. Mostly controls water. Never really learned how to control earth. She can control the wind so fast it turns visible. Can also turn water into ice in different forms. She is in fear of burning someone if she uses fire.

How powers were obtained(optional): N/A

Skills(optional): Is very light on her feet. Can swift by and you wouldn't even notice.

Other: 😊 Later will add more of her background.


@skittlejg Hope it's okay! I may ask question along the way of the rp ^^"

10,379 posts


jupiter_hollow • 17 November 2013 at 8:30 AM

@skittlejg Okay, soooo... I'm making a character, but this character has a more specific... power. Because the source of his power isn't him.

-Name: Declan Bikha
-Superhero Name/Nickname: Camden
-Appearance: Very much on the short side, often blending efortlessly into the crowd (and boy, does he love that ability of his), with a slim built, slightly packed with a little bit muscle, but not excessively so. Medium tanned skin, dark brown hair in slight waves (often unkempt and left to hang in dirty locks) and chocolate eyes, his features mostly blending together - nothing special to look at, both body and face-wise.
-Personality: A little too overprotective of himself. The 13 years away from people of his kin proved to be hardy, what with his constant differing from the rest of his class, his family and also every social group there is. This made him protective over his abilities and not only - trust issues are a given and he often turns aggressive or rude upon any attempt to be delved into or when he's questioned too throughoutly. He's definitely less hostile when it comes to casual socializing - can hold a normal conversation if he's sure he'll never meet the person ever again. When in a large group, he makes sure to appear timid and unapproachable to deflect anyone's desire to talk to him - because let's be honest, who'd want to talk to a brooding dark kid?
-Powers: It isn't exactly a power. He has a very developed mind, not only intelligence-wise, but also in terms of mentality. Throughout the years, he developed an imaginary friend that gradually manifested itself inside him and turned into a real entity, that is connected to him and can freely roam the outside world. The entity he called Camden - it has no appearance, no voice, but possesses the abilities to touch and to manipulate matter. To an outsider, the general impression would be that Declan is indeed telekinetic and manipulating objects, but it's the entity that does it.
-How powers were obtained: Like I said, developed throughout the years. What can I say - he's pretty open-minded xD
-Skills: Intelligence - he's more of a closeted intellectual than anything, since showing off his mind would bring unwanted attention onto him.
-Other: 😊 Okay so I'm guessing that Declan would have no control over Camden in year 1, which is generally a given xD


2,071 posts


cutebirdy79 • 17 November 2013 at 9:13 PM

Name: Josh Hale
Superhero Name/Nickname: Snow
Appearance: Silver hair that looks like snow and icy blue eyes, that turn white when he uses his power. Wears white, gray or black clothing like skinny jeans, sweatshirt, gloves, scarf, combat boots and a t-shirt. His skin looks slightly tanned but is freezing cold to the touch.
Personality: Hardly ever talks but when he does it is usually to someone he knows or is used too.
Powers: Can control the weather
How powers were obtained: On a hot sunny day in California. When he nearly fainted from the heat and he made it snow.
Other: when he talks you can see his breath like it was a really cold day but its not.

@skittlejg Is it okay that I made another character, if so is he accepted?

7,368 posts


cqpkytty • 17 November 2013 at 9:50 PM

Name: Adelaide Ruisseau
Superhero Name/Nickname: Acrylique
Appearance: Light brown hair in a fluffy attempt at a pixie cut; a dreamer's blue eyes; (slightly) California-tanned skin
Personality: Loves to paint; fairly introverted but friendly.
Powers: She can summon and dismiss her paintbrush at will. It can't be broken, and if someone takes it from her, she can get it back without even trying. If she touches it to something, she can paint using that color and texture, exactly. she doesn't need a surface, she can paint onto air. Or space, or whatever. If she paints something, it's the real thing. If she paints a bird, for example, it'll fly away. She can paint with air - it's like an eraser, sort of. She can control whether she gets the color of something or if she paints on it, or if she touches it with her brush and just doesn't do anything paint-wise to it.
How powers were obtained(optional): She's always had them.
Skills: Painting, English-French bilingual
Other: Her parents were originally French. She isn't particularly interested in superheroing, preferring to improve and expand her art skills.

1,801 posts


cirrus • 18 November 2013 at 6:02 PM

@jupiter_hollow Accepted! 😃
@cutebirdy79 Accepted!
@cqpkytty I'm sorry, but you do need a personality. 😋
@xoxo5959 Accepted.

10,379 posts


jupiter_hollow • 18 November 2013 at 6:04 PM

@skittlejg So do we start now or more people?
Because I'm pretty sure we have enough xD
Also our ratio boys to girls is 1:2 xD

1,801 posts


cirrus • 18 November 2013 at 6:13 PM

@jupiter_hollow Yes. I would love to start! 😉 And there seems to be more girls than boys on Eggcave, and girls usually make girl characters, so there's always more girls in RPs. xD


The RP has officially started! 😃

10,379 posts


jupiter_hollow • 18 November 2013 at 6:48 PM

Not always xD Most veterans, female or otherwise, make males, but yeah, there aren't any veterans anymore.

Anywho, are you reserving first post or are we allowed to go crazy?

Do we wait for you, oh mighty creator?

1,801 posts


cirrus • 18 November 2013 at 6:56 PM

@jupiter_hollow xD No, I was hoping one of you would go first for this. For your first post though, just explain the letter and stuff, don't actually go to the school yet, maybe your town hall (where you'll be picked up).

10,379 posts


jupiter_hollow • 18 November 2013 at 6:58 PM

mkay, I may or may not make the effort - dunno, I'm too lazy xD

yeh, going to the school would be a pretty major godmod... guessing you'll roleplay the pickers? pickers xD the people that pick up our peeps.

1,801 posts


cirrus • 18 November 2013 at 7:04 PM

@jupiter_hollow I don't really care if you RP the "pickers." I was thinking that they would go and then the "pickers" would take them to this big jet. So they could get to know each other. 😃
