Creature Suggestion, Glowictia

in Fan Art & Creature Suggestions

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413 posts


june • 1 December 2013 at 1:30 AM

Hi guys!
I was just looking around and I realized there aren't that many plant creatures (or maybe none), there are plant-based creatures like the Rosse, but they aren't really plants (I'd say the closest would be Flor, but since I haven't been on in a while maybe there are new ones? I guess Trenka counts) so yeah, off of my little wandering-off-topic, I bring you the Glowictia.

This egg has such mesmerizing colors! And it is as soft as a rosebud, too. Though it does smell a bit funny...

Glowictias are beautiful, rare flowers, and they mesmerize their prey with their vibrant colors, but they can only feed at nightfall, and the odor their petals give off is absolutely ghastly! Be warned, this is not a flower to plant in your garden.

Sooo off I go, and I hope you like it!

762 posts


thursdays_dove • 1 December 2013 at 11:43 PM

I can't get the link to work. :/
