.:~Creature Suggestion - Snoutous~:.

in Fan Art & Creature Suggestions

Would you get a Snoutous?

481 posts


angelwolfeh • 14 December 2013 at 10:34 AM


Hi, Angel here and I have a creature suggestion (and cat food on my thumb). This is the Snoutous; a friendly little pig with a huge personality.

Stages: tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2w7mt6w&s=5#.Uqx3iNJdWqg

Egg: This egg is slightly furry and soft, not to mention small! It also seems kinda...leathery. I wonder what it could hatch into... (Needs 99 feeds to hatch)

Evolved: The Snoutous is a small pig-like creature with a big heart. It is often seen protecting it's friends and family. They are often found in meadow-y places, full of grass and anything edible. This includes flowers, insects and even roots. They are very friendly and are the heroes in legends. As they mature, Snoutous' tail curves at an end, then connects. Soon after, the tail shortens to a stub, soon to be long and fluffy. Their diet is anything edible, so they are good pets because they eat waste. Sometimes they are captured in the wild to reduce waste.

Anyway, I hope you like. I tried hard to finish it and overall, this took 1.5 hours. Byeeee~

LP Pings (sorry if you don't like)


3,600 posts


spiritkoi • 14 December 2013 at 11:10 AM

@angelwolfeh Looks cute! 😊 But I wished it was easier to see.
