Calling all artists!

in General

314 posts


firegirl • 19 March 2014 at 8:25 AM

I have a creature suggestion I want to make, but I'm a terrible artist XD Would anyone be willing to draw it for me? Whoever does, I'll see if I can get them to give you one as well as me (They do still give the creator a free one right?) and if not you get some EC anyways.

--Egg description: This egg has a white band of some sort across the top. It's a chocolatey color, it looks delicious! But you probably shouldn't eat it since it has fur.
--Description: PLACEHOLDER's are quite silly, but when needed can be very serious. They are never seen without their ears and basket of eggs, and the patterns on the eggs are different from tribe to tribe. PLACEHOLDER's will often use discarded shell of creatures in their area, but sometimes can be found enlisting the help of creatures such as Mekkii's to paint eggs. Legends are often told of them delivering for the Easter Bunny long ago.

EDIT: Forgot the pings cx Sorry if you don't want me to ping you! I'm mainly just taking them from the livepulse and online people from around the site cx


3,178 posts


piucca • 19 March 2014 at 7:45 PM

Could you give a more detailed description on what the creature looks like?
Small, med, big
fox, fish, bird, fuzzy lizard
list of colors
how many evolutions
happy, scary, weird
anything else you can think of.
