Bronies and Pegasisters!

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hashtagnight • 22 June 2014 at 5:21 AM

Calling all MLP fans! I srsly want EVERYPONY to shout MUFFINS!

I have this head canon for the season five episode. I actually think this is really great and I want it like Twilight's Kingdom. I want it to be a musical episode with some songs. SOME songs in the episode in the head canon i got are IN ORDER are..

Keep it in Your Heart
Keep it in Your Heart Reprise
Twilight's Lament
And more!

My headcanon for season 5
A new villain was created from thin air. Nopony knows who or what made it. There were whispers about the legend. Then, that villain appears in Canterlot, taking out the princesses. Then to the Crystal Empire, taking out the princess in there as well. Then, after taking out all three, that villain going towards Ponyville, before exposed by Pinkie Pie, who actually exposed this villain to EVERYPONY in Ponyville! The villain went away afterwards. Then the theme song. The next day, Twilight then thinks about the library whilst flying in the skies, then that thought broke apart when Rainbow Dash appeared. She told Twilight to cheer up as both of them went towards the palace entrance. Twilight Sparkle was then surrounded by her friends, who sings "Keep it in Your Heart", a song about remembering the memories in the library. After the song, all of them laughed. The villain from the start was spying on them all. Then the villain start to surround Twilight, taking her out. She then wakes up in a cage along with the princess. She tries to find a way out, but couldn't. The villain said that they'll keep them in an anti-magic place, where they can't raise the sun or the moon AT ALL. Twilight sits in the corner, sobbing a bit. Celestia cheers her up, saying that it doesn't matter right now. The world's in total chaos. Then they find a way to escape........

That's all I got. It's a little weird and all but I suppose some of you might help me?
