Ripples and Splashes

in Entertainment

4,315 posts


syndrome • 18 August 2011 at 6:20 PM

Ripples and Splashes

Chapter one: Discoveries

The sky was cloudy and rain poured from the sky, Sam was incredibly bored as he stared through his window. Finally the rain softened a little and Sam decided to go out side. A small blue frog looked up at him through large eyes. "Uh-oh," is what he though he heard it croak before it started hopping away. "Everyone knows that frog can't talk," Sam thought to himself. He followed the little blue frog into the nearby forest. As the little blue frog hopped faster, Sam also quickened his pace. "All right, what's the big deal?" Sam stood there baffled, had the frog just talked again? "I said, what's the big idea," the frog croaked again a little louder. "I.....I just wanted to see where you were going," Sam stuttered in reply. "Well stop it," the little blue frog said angrily. "Humans aren't allowed to go where I'm going; I'm not even supposed to be here!" Sam stood there thinking for another moment. "Well go on then," the frog croaked. Sam walked back a few paces as the frog tuned around and started hopping again. Sam walked off of the path and sneakily followed the frog. The blue frog looked around and then hopped into a puddle surrounded by mushrooms. Sam walked up to the puddle, wondering where the frog had gone.

ping me if you want more later 😉

4,672 posts


icymuffin • 18 August 2011 at 6:30 PM


4,315 posts


syndrome • 18 August 2011 at 6:44 PM

