Cave Creature Suggestion - the Omega

in Fan Art & Creature Suggestions

What Kind of Creature? (Multiple answers allowed.)

204 posts


dormammu • 12 September 2014 at 3:01 PM

So here's the counterpart to Alpha. Again, I tried to keep it simple, but it got a smidge . . . complicated? But here's the Omega:

The egg is supposed to resemble a flower bud: still newly made and all wound up tight. The bottom half (the unshaded portion) would be a nice, leafy green. The top half (the shaded portion) would be a few variations of deep to mild purple.

In the first stage, the petals would be the same as the egg's - deep to mild variations of purple. The arms and legs of the little person in the middle would be a light green. The hair would be a variation of mild to light purple.

Anywho . . . .

Egg Description:

Omegas are born of a person's first act of forgiveness. They are not like their counterparts, who affect the outside world even while they are still unhatched. While still in the shell, an Omega's power is only active if it is within a few meters of an Alpha egg. Unhatched Omegas are too weak to sooth hatched Alphas. Omega eggs are sometimes given to those who have been wronged, in the hopes that they will find forgiveness for their wrongdoer. Omega eggs are soft to the touch, just like the flower bud they resemble.

Creature Description:

Omegas are calm creatures. Unlike their chaotic counterparts, who crave chaos and destruction, these gentle creatures love nothing more than soothing past hurts. Their owners value them because, once an Omega hatches, they can sooth and calm almost anything. More often than not, a human with an Omega can be seen with an Alpha. Even though Alphas crave chaos, they also crave the Omega's calm. Even if they are raised together from the moment they hatch, Alphas (who are chaos incarnate) fight the calming effect of Omegas. It often takes years for the Alpha to accept the Omega's calming presence.

. . . And that's a wrap 😸 I'm really proud of myself. I didn't think I'd take the creature suggestions this far❤️

😊 Opinions are welcome (: Post as you please


263 posts


trig • 12 September 2014 at 3:19 PM


I really love the description! If you could color it, I think this would make an even better suggestion.

Could you please check out my recent #creaturesuggestion here?:
