creature suggestion: Rhibeno

in Fan Art & Creature Suggestions

your opinion?

1,562 posts


dragonii • 16 September 2014 at 7:33 PM

this is a spring creature so somewhere in march, April or may.

Yes as you guessed it, Boom! A bee and a rhino got caught up at a *cough*Random*cough* science center, tested on than got tossed at ark. 😋


Egg description:
the egg is about 7 inches tall, 5 inches wide. it has stripes like a bee. i wonder if its a bee?

Description: full grown Rhibeno only get to be 3 feet tall. Even though it looks to big to use its wings It can hover at least three feet off the ground. joke goes around ark "To big to be a bee but to small to be a rhino."

Hatches 100 feeds
Stage one evolves 250 feeds
Stage two evolves 400 feeds

I drew this around February. Some people may remember the last form I made but I didn't like how a presented it an so I Remade the form. If you dislike the either description send me a Pm of what you imagine the Rhibeno being like. 😸


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24 posts


whyamihere • 16 September 2014 at 8:00 PM

is there a drawing?

616 posts


kreptacat • 17 September 2014 at 8:01 AM


Great idea! Was that the drawing on DA?

1,562 posts


dragonii • 17 September 2014 at 8:27 AM

@kreptacat It might have, I did upload it to Da yesterday.

@whyamihere yes there is a picture. I must have deleted it when I was editing some things.
