Cereal Taste-Test

in Chit-Chat

2,171 posts


rosey77 • 22 August 2011 at 12:54 PM

I have decided to rate my favorite (and just random) cereals. 😊 First is my favorites.

1: Marshmallow Pebbles 5/5
We all remember eating the marshmallows out of the Lucky Charms as a child. But this cereal is different. Not only do the marshmallows taste good, but the other part too! So you actually end up eating the flakes of corn. 😊 I say it's best without milk.

2: Reeses Puffs 4.5/5
Mmm, chocolaty penaut-buttery goodness in a cereal. It doesn't taste at all like Reeses cups though, so don't expect that.

3: Corn Pops 4/5
Simple, but nice. My favorite part of the cereal is the sweet outside of a pop. But don't eat this with milk, or the sweet taste washes away.

Random Others:

Froot Loops: 3.5/5
They're okay, but the flavor lacks interestingness. It just tastes.. kinda fruity boring. Maybe because I've had it so much I got used to it?

Cookie Crisp: 1.5/5
They promised cereal that tastes like cookies. All we got was gross tasting stale stuff that doesn't even taste like it has any chocolate in it.

Lucky Charms: 3.5/5
Sure, it has yummy marshmallows in it, but who actually eats the tastless other stuff unless their mom forces them too?

Post your own cereal reviews, or disagree with the ones I posted. 😉 Or ask me to review another cereal (I must have tasted it before though. 😋)

5,632 posts


linpug • 22 August 2011 at 12:57 PM

1: Lucky charms: 2.5/5
2. corn flakes: 3.5/5
3: Corn pops: 2.5
4. Froot Loops 1/5

2,171 posts


rosey77 • 22 August 2011 at 12:59 PM

I just found a review on the internet saying that Marshmallow Pebbles was the worst cereal that they have ever tasted. 0_o WRONG!!!! It rocks. They are a cereal killer. LOL get it? Cereal killer? XD

6,833 posts


whitefall • 22 August 2011 at 2:45 PM

Believe or not, I'm the world's most-obsessed with cereal. Evidence:

1) We have 40 boxes in our pantry, and 15 on top of our refridgerator.

2) I eat cereal three times a day. (atleast)

Haha, not exactly proof, but I guess...
I like all cereals. Equally tasty. But I don't like the fruity pebbles crap.

2,171 posts


rosey77 • 22 August 2011 at 3:19 PM

@whitefall Wow. XD You must really like cereal. 0_o

9,386 posts


smilies • 22 August 2011 at 3:22 PM

You guys don't get Coco Pops, Crispex and Nutrigrain? O_o
Mostly I have Nutella on toast for breakfast though.

2,171 posts


rosey77 • 22 August 2011 at 3:23 PM

@smilies Nutella on toast is the best thing the world has ever givin us. XD Gosh, I've got to remind my mom to get us some.

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dreamer • 22 August 2011 at 3:26 PM

Nutella is THE BEST. 😊 I don't eat cereal too much anymore. I'm on a bit of a diet. xD Which means not eating anything until I get rEALLY hungry. O_O Still. I have like toast or bread and butter or a glass of milk. Something simple. Not cereal very often. But we have a ton at my house.

2,171 posts


rosey77 • 22 August 2011 at 3:57 PM

Yes, I just found some Nutella in my pantry. 😈

6,833 posts


whitefall • 23 August 2011 at 7:39 PM

My mom's glad I eat cereal, instead of indulging myself in fatty food. Well I do (pudding) but she doesn't know that, does she? xD
