Creature Suggestion- The Terradrak

in Fan Art & Creature Suggestions

How good is the creature?

32 posts


kelpiegal • 30 December 2014 at 9:56 PM

Stages: Four

1st stage (egg): Looks like a pile of dirt, some joke about it being poop, and throw the eggs at neighbors they don't like. Surprisingly sturdy though, it is virtually unbreakable, which usually means shattered windows.

2nd stage (200 feeds): Looks like a little brown dragon, curled up in a ball like a cat. It's wings are starting to sprout plants. It also has a really cute sprout coming out of it's forehead.

3rd stage (500 feeds): It looks like a dragon, chasing it's tail. It has more plants on it, on the wings there is the occaisonal venus flytrap, and hanging from the plant on it's forehead, pitcher plants are developing.

4th stage: Standing on it's hind legs, it has an open mouth so you can see that it has no teeth. It has pitcher plants hanging down from it's head, where the plant is rooted. It has venus flytraps lining it's wings, it's back and tail are coated in sundews. Where these specified plants aren't, it fades in and out of green and brown.

Terradraks, although their fearsome appearance, are actually quite gentle. They are willing gardeners, and love plants so much that they would die if it did not have any in it's sights. It eats mainly bugs, and only the bugs that bother plants, like aphids, aphids are to a Terradrak as catnip is to a cat. Wherever it walks, there will be fertile ground. For this trait, it is valued more than gold or silver.

It lives in the rainforests of Ark.

Obtainable from: Cave (if you make it from cash shop park, give me one pretty please (😊

When full grow it is aproximately 9ft. 5in.

Sorry, no pictures ),': I hope my descriptions are enough.

