Creature Suggestion: Cervilut

in Fan Art & Creature Suggestions

Now, For Your Opinion:

462 posts


megadash • 23 September 2015 at 7:19 PM

Image: (updated 10/24/2015)
Length: 3.65 m
Weight: 3844 kg

No one on Ark knows where the eggs of the Cervilut come from. After extensive genetic research, it has been hypothesized that they don't even come from this realm! Could it be…?

The Cervilut is a very playful creature. From the day it hatches, the young love to romp around and play with anyone and anything. Baby Cervilut have a special effect on their playmates. No matter how vicious or solitary a creature may be, when it encounters a baby Cervilut, they become as playful as the baby. Scientists theorize that the young emit a scent that can pacify anything as a defense mechanism. Others believe that the Cervilut are magic and are bringers of peace.

As they grow, the Cervilut never lose their love of play. They may calm down, but they are always up for a game of tag. At this point in their lives, they begin to practice flying. At night, the gems on their bodies glow like a tiara of diamonds.

Upon reaching their full-grown strength, adult Cervilut are masters of the skies. The streaks of light the emanate from their gem-like markings are a sight to behold! The strangest part of the Cervilut's life occurs when they reach this point. During the full moon, random Cervilut will take to the skies. As they fly, their antlers begin to glow until it's too bright to look at the beast. Once things settle back to normal, the Cervilut is gone! Scientists have tried to track them to discover where they go, but no signals have ever been traced. Have the Cervilut flown to a place beyond Ark? Have they gone to another dimension? The answer has yet to be found.


562 posts


lenamilove • 23 September 2015 at 7:29 PM

@megadash I love the art and description, and the bit of mystery added to it. Visually, it reminds me almost of something from Dr. Seuss for some reason.. Either way, it's very well done. 😊

112 posts


miss-princess • 29 September 2015 at 7:43 PM

very interesting

462 posts


megadash • 30 September 2015 at 3:20 AM


===== YOUR POST =====
Visually, it reminds me almost of something from Dr. Seuss for some reason.

Since you said that, I can't stop seeing it! 😃

As far as the description, I thought that it would be fun because it could possibly add a new aspect to Egg Cave, like a parallel universe, or something like that, where new and odd (for Ark) creatures could be found.

The design was created by using a "random animal generator" that I found and mixing an otter with a deer and antelope. I'm not 100% solid on the coloring, though. I've tinkered with other color schemes, but I liked the the antelope color scheme best. I might post other color variations, if I come up with others that I like.

562 posts


lenamilove • 30 September 2015 at 8:38 PM

@megadash Tag me if you post any color variations, that sounds really interesting.

I would love a parallel universe, it would be just amazing, it would add a whole new area for creativity and new ideas! Maybe it would lend well to some of the wackier suggestions and ideas, I find it a wonderful possibility.

6 posts


horselover14294 • 2 October 2015 at 9:05 PM

oh my gosh i love it

370 posts


pupicorn • 24 October 2015 at 3:04 PM

@megadash Its so cute! I especially like the 2nd stage. The description is also very good! I hope it gets released!

462 posts


megadash • 24 October 2015 at 6:40 PM

I came up with a couple of color variations. I still pref the brown, but I'm more biased with natural colors. I especially like the spots that I added to the child stage.

390 posts


ladysaphire • 27 October 2015 at 7:47 AM

That's a nice idea, congratz ^^
