20 posts


catwantsfishie • 9 March 2016 at 7:57 AM

Hello everyone! I am Catwantsfishie, but you can call me Cat!
I discovered this game from a similar game, called "Chicken Smoothie".

Any clicks on my animals would be amazing!

Nice to meet you all!

44 posts


llamalover111 • 9 March 2016 at 7:58 AM


Hello! Welcome to egg cave! To bring ppl over here try this @+ the username like @llamalover111 when your able to trade (or if your able to trade) give me a wall post and I'll, gladly gift 😊 ❤️

28 posts


yxnlxng • 9 March 2016 at 9:17 AM


Welcome to Egg Cave! Hope you enjoy our friendly community here. As a new user, I am sure you have many questions, so feel free to ask me if you have any questions. 😊
My main account is @ahgirltc, so contact me there if you have queries. 😊

🪙 Also, a tip will be not to adopt too many eggs off the cave at once. Evolve/Immortalise (lvl2000) them slowly, if not it will be too much to handle!

🪙 Be sure to use the click exchange or other useful forum threads like #HME (Hatch My Egg) to evolve your eggs!

🪙 To ping people, type @username in forums to reply to them. If you are replying to user's outside of forum, post on their wall in their profiles. 😊

Lastly, as a welcome gift, head over to my account to pick an egg for yourself. Eggs that are available are listed under "Welcome Gifts". Let me know your choice
and I'll set up a trade lot for you.

*Note: You cant trade within the first 2 days you have joined. Just offer after the ban has been lifted. 😊

Enjoy your day! ❤️
