Creature Suggestion - Azul - Special Halloween

in Fan Art & Creature Suggestions

Do you like this little baby?

2 posts


gouttelette • 6 August 2016 at 2:13 PM

Hello hello!
I was thinking about a special creature,
and, after some time, I did a sketch and after that, a drawing of what I wanted to do.
A mix between the ''escorpion azul'' and a bat.
The reasons of this are below. If you are not interested, you can skip the ''Why I did this''.

Link to the drawing =
^^ MY BABY ^^

Egg Description:
Azul egg are rather cold and very smooth on the outside. The texture of the shell is exactly like porcelain, but so is the resistance. Because of that, the baby inside the egg can use his venomous tail to attack you or using his toxic mist to protect himself for being picked up and trowed. The mist that he product is only used in defense, and the egg does not release it continually. Outside of the egg, there is also some little blue legs that can move slightly. Those are defenseless but also very fragile. Don't droop the baby!

Adult Description:
After this creature goes out of his shell, the newborn release a huge amount of toxic mist to make sure he's safe. Even if the Azul is now an adult, he is still very fragile. The Azul keep on protecting himself with his tail and mist, but also everything he can find. Yes, since the Azul can move his weird legs freely, he like to pick up object and trow them at you. Just in case. Physically, there is not a lot of change. The Azul's tail didn't grow at all, and the color didn't change.
The only thing that changed are his cute fluffy ears and his glowing white eyes. The legs and wings are still the same but, since they are bigger, the creature is now able to fly and to climb.
He's everywhere!

Why I did this?
Actually, there is a huge meaning behind this creature.
Recently, my grand-father, Robert, ad a diagnostic of generalized cancer. Since then, his health drooped. It took only 1 weeks before going to the hospital. It only been 16 days, and he can't talk anymore. He is fragile.
No, he's not dead yet, but, I feel like he won't go thought this week, maybe not even half of it.
Yes, it happen to everyone, but the choose of the ''animals'' used was for him.
Since he really liked the color green, I took it.
I also used the bat because he had a lot of bad stories with them!
But, more important, I used the ''escorpion azul'' Only because in Cuba, this is used against cancer and tumor.
I hate cancer, everyone hate cancer. So does the Azul.

And, since Halloween is my favorite day of the whole year, why not use this theme? I'm sure that he would be proud.
Okay probably not. He really dislike games and internet.
But I'm a rebel. ( / * u *'' )/

Thank you for those who comment, and those who like the idea! Boopely Boop! ❤️


Deleted • 6 August 2016 at 2:48 PM

@gouttelette I love it❤️

452 posts


karakia • 6 August 2016 at 2:55 PM


Love it! ❤️ 😸 Awesome drawing and description 😊

4,265 posts


izziebee1017 • 7 August 2016 at 7:50 PM


I adore it! ❤️

Deleted • 8 August 2016 at 3:33 AM


Amazing drawing and love the colours ❤️ really sorry to hear about your grandfather, but love that you have a story behind the creature. I think you'll be an amazing addition to the egg cave community! 😊
