Dead/Dying Coves

in Site Feedback & Ideas

2,302 posts


metaphor • 17 September 2011 at 10:13 PM

I just wish that this could be the case for creatures over level 2k whose owners have clearly been gone for almost a year. Like some sites occasionally purge accounts that have been inactive for a year or longer and those names free up. And yeah, I know I'm going to be yelled at for this, I'm so greedy, etc. etc.
But really, after more than a year, I think a person really has given up. And so those high-level creatures with sought after names are just sitting there.
On other sites, I've gotten a name at least every name clearing and nobody has come hounding me down.

7,368 posts


cqpkytty • 17 September 2011 at 10:22 PM

I don't think accounts should be deleted unless the user wants them too, BUT the creatures should definitely go.
I was gone for over a year (I forget exactly why) and when I came back, I was glad my account was still up.
HOWEVER, I wish my creatures had gone to the AC instead of dying. So I support your idea, but not the part about deleting accounts.

1,668 posts


musicgurl333 • 18 September 2011 at 1:40 PM

I think that maybe the time period should be at LEAST two years for account deletion. Sometimes people just sort of stop playing and for a while and forget about it, but when they come back, it would be nice if their account was still there. However, I do like the idea of dying eggs going to the AC, and I like the idea of having limits on how many eggs you can adopt per day.

2,149 posts


sky • 18 September 2011 at 1:58 PM

In my opinion, I think the accounts that have been inactive for a year and a half should be removed. I mean, I usually am inactive on certain sites in over a year but I usually return in the next few months, so if they don't return for that long, it's most likely they had quit.

But, it'd also be nice to have a notification E-mail sent to you if you've been inactive for a year, like Neopets, I had gotten a notification about my account which I had forgotten.

2,302 posts


metaphor • 18 September 2011 at 11:15 PM

I agree with @sky about the notification thing. To be fair, sometimes people do just forget and would want to come back if they were notified. But if they quit and never return, then I don't see the point in keeping the account around to collect dust. :x

1,267 posts


xxshadowclawxx • 18 September 2011 at 11:28 PM

It is a great idea but the creatures that were in the account should also be deleted it is not fair that they should be at AC and fought over it is just wrong and since the creatures and account are deleted the value for a creature will be high then.
