SpruceClan and The Serpentine {Sign-Ups}

in Roleplaying

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iiroleplayii • 13 May 2017 at 10:14 AM

@thebrokenvibe Gonna add some Serpentine cats since theirs not that many

Name: Emili
Age: 14 moons
Gender: She-cat
Group(Clan, Group, or Outsider): Group
Rank: Follower
Looks: Smaller sized dark brown-she cat with a white muzzle and paws. Short bobbed tail. Three deep scratches in her left ear and a scar above her nose.
Eye Color: Honey-Brown
Kin: Susan (Mother) Larry (Father)
Mate/Crush: None
Kits: None
Past: Was born as a kittypet, but wanted to explore outside one day and got lost, right in serpentine lands. Instead of hurting her though, they took her in, as another set of claws is always welcome. They trainned her and the Serpentine became home.
Personality: Loyal to the serpentine because they saved her life. She is playful, kind and nice to cats of the serpnetine, but harsh and mean to cats outside of it.
Other: Susan and Larry

Name: Lord
Age: 46 moons
Gender: Male
Group(Clan, Group, or Outsider): Group
Rank: Follower
Looks: Very pale tortie cat with mostly white fur, long furred and tall, well muscled.
Eye Color: Pale grey-green
Kin: Heather (Mother) Sun (Father) Feather (Brother)
Mate/Crush: None
Kits: None
Past: He was born into the serpentine with his brother Feather. Lord had always been the stronger of the two. When Lord was young he thought it was because he had gotten a strong name and his brother had gotten a 'weak' name like feather. He is a good fighter but lacks any real reason to stay loyal to the serpentine. He finds most things boring, and wishes for something interest in life.
Personality: Rough, not much of a talker, distant
Other: Heather and Sun

Name: Feather
Age: 46 moons
Gender: Male
Group(Clan, Group, or Outsider): Group
Rank: Follower
Looks: Small but somewhat tall with pure white fur, and short bobbed tail.
Eye Color: Right eye is brown, and left eye is bright blue
Kin: Heather (Mother) Sun (Father) Lord (Brother)
Mate/Crush: Fawn
Kits: His mate is expecting ktis
Past: Was always trying to please his father growing up, but his father always favored Lord. Feather was a softer cat, and got along well with Fawn as she was softer to. She helped him get through the death of his parents and the two became mates, and Feather let go of ever trying to make his father proud or trying to be as good as his brother. He does not like the serpentine, but its his home, and he's scarred to try to leave it.
Personality: Soft-hearted and a bit of a coward, does not like fights. Wants to live a comfortable life, not a life where he has to fight for prey-scraps
Other: Heahter and Sun

Name: Fawn
Age: 37 moons
Gender: She-cat
Group(Clan, Group, or Outsider): Group
Rank: Queen
Looks: Pale cream grey she-cat with a few soft white spots around her hind-quaters, also a light grey-brown dipped tail
Eye Color: Pale golden
Kin: Quail (Mother) Ace (Father)
Mate/Crush: Feather
Kits: Expecting
Past: She was born to her loner parents and had lived a pretty calm life, until a storm knocked over a tree that crushed her mother. Her father Ace had broken his front leg during the storm, and was now not very good at hunting and was having trouble supporting himself and Fawn who was about four moons at the time. Her father had ties with some cats in the serpentine and begged them to take Fawn in so she could live, they took Fawn in but turned away Ace as he was of no use. Fawn was utterly alone until she meet Feather who became her mate.
Personality: Soft and kind-hearted. But she has an angry side if she sees something wrong being done, and does not hold her tongue, which gets her into trouble in the serpentine a lot. She is much more bold then her mate Feather.
Other: Quail and Ace

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1,075 posts


thebrokenvibe • 13 May 2017 at 1:48 PM

@emilianagerson Accepted. I'll have to add them in later though.

1,924 posts


reality • 13 May 2017 at 1:55 PM


Is the forms for Night, Thunder, Lighting, and Storm accepted? I decided to delete Dawnheart's form so it wouldn't cause you any confusion.

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1,075 posts


thebrokenvibe • 13 May 2017 at 2:33 PM

@panda9983 I can't accept Thunder because it is impossible for a cat to have four different eye colors. And for a cat to have swirls of another color, but Night Storm and Lightning can be accepted.

1,924 posts


reality • 13 May 2017 at 2:49 PM


Oh, I'll change the colors to just gold and amber.

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1,075 posts


thebrokenvibe • 13 May 2017 at 3:56 PM

@panda9983 They're good. Accepted. But I'm gonna have to add them in later.
