{Bird} Boofa - Creature suggestion

in Fan Art & Creature Suggestions

1,558 posts


dragonii • 20 May 2017 at 12:33 AM

I actually put this guy in another thread But it was a bunch of creatures all in one post and they didn't get their own spot light. ^^

I still am not 100% on the color if someone want's to help with that I wouldn't mind. ^^

Name: Boofa
ART: http://fav.me/d9kja1c
Habitat: Ark Bay

Egg Description: N/A

Creature description: N/A

Characteristics: Has sharp teeth to hoot to and rip meat up with.


3,600 posts


spiritkoi • 21 May 2017 at 11:04 AM

@dragonii It reminds me of a blue footed booby! You could do some kind of coloring like it but add your own twist? 😊
