The Protectors of Adamite {RP Thread}

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thebrokenvibe • 24 July 2017 at 10:47 PM



After the Great Wars of Succession left the Isles of Adamite vulnerable to attack from the citizen named “demons” lurking in the Isles themselves and in the Stormbent Sea which surrounded it. Without a proper ruler, the settlements were left to fend for themselves. Until a wizard approached with a proposal to align themselves with the local populace of Dragons.

This caused all willing magic wielders to come in unison, forming factions to hopefully work with the Dragons. Very few were chosen by the fickle beasts. Those who were chosen were shown to have exemplary skills, able to speak in the Dragon tongue, they could commune with Dragons and share their strength. Those chosen were labeled as Draths, magic wielders who worked in harmony with the Dragons. Able to ride on their backs as they battled with the “demons” plaguing the Isles. Each Drath was specially chosen by the Dragon Queen and her own Drath. Each Drath undergoing a specific process to train then to be able to be chosen by a Dragon, and then training to work with that Dragon.

After a few centuries of working alongside the Dragons, one Drath soon discovered that it was possible to join with a Dragon. Forming humanoid creatures that was named Drakonian by the discoverer. Drakonians were few and far in between though, and most couldn't stay joined for very long and after a specific time they had to separate.

The threats though never lessened, only seemed to get worse. And swarms of Draths and Dragons were killed, many went missing.

And now a new division of Draths and Dragons is needed, after years of silence on recruiting they finally opened up to more. After four years of training the first batch they have finally decided to test them on their skills. Of course after the Draths are chosen by a Dragon.

Types of Dragons

Please note that every type of Dragon is capable of flight, each can have scales, fur, feathers or any mix of the three as what makes up their hides. Each Dragon can have finned, slit, or normal ears alongside horns. Dragons can be any color, except their eyes. Which show the color of their elemental magic(listed below). No type of Dragon is more common than another. But elements can be.

Drake Drakes are sized ranging from 8 feet tall, 12 long, and 250 pounds to 12 feet tall, 16 long, and 380 pounds. Drakes have four legs, and large leathery wings coming from their backs. They tend to have 1 or more sets of large curling horns, two eyes, the color of which represents their elemental magic, and a single spaded, fined or spiked tail. Each Drake has five claws on each foot, a row of ridges on their back, and finger like ends on the bend of their wings. Some Drakes can get two sets of wings.

Wyvern Wyverns are sized ranging from 6 feet tall, 16 long long and 180 pounds at their smallest, at their largest they are 10 feet tall, 20 long and 280 pounds. Wyverns have two hind legs, with large wings which can be walked on. Wyverns have long triangular heads, and may or may not have a single set of horns, Wyverns can have two or more eyes which hold the color of their elemental magic, they have a forked tongue, and a single tail which can be spaded or finned. Their feet have four claws each, and their wings have a finger like spine on the elbows.

Lynd Lynds are sized ranging from 5 feet tall, 10 long and 120 pounds at their smallest, and at their largest they are 8 feet tall, 20 long and 200 pounds. Lynds have four legs and no wings. They tend to have a ridge running down their back, with sharp faces, and two or more eyes which hold the color of their elemental magic. They have forked tongues and have one-three sets of horns. They have a long spaded or finned tail, with each foot getting five claws.

Wyrm Wyrm are sized ranging from 3 feet across, 12 long, and 130 pounds at their smallest, at their largest they can be 5 feet around, 30 long and 250 pounds. They have a very serpentine structure, and primarily don't have horns, although they can have up to one set. Wyrms can have ridges running down their backs.

Amphiptere Amphiptere are sized ranging from 3 feet across, 8 long and 120 pounds at their smallest, at their largest they can be 6 feet around, 20 long and 200 pounds. They resemble Wyrms greatly structure wise with a few key differences. Amphiptere have large wings, and only wings. They don't have horns and can have up to six eyes and as little as two. They tend to be smooth bodied although occasionally can get fins on their backs. Some Amphiptere can have two sets of wings.

About the Bond

The bond between Dragon and Drath is unique to each, a Dragon and Drath share a mental link, meaning they can share thoughts and emotions with one another. They can also communicate via telepathy.

It is the Dragon who chooses the Drath, usually once the Drath reaches their fourth year of training. The bond is not made because they share an elemental magic, nor is it because of a personality joining. What the bond seems to represent is respect on the Dragon’s part, in which the Dragon finds themself respecting the Drath and all the Drath stands for. It seems that it is a very rare occasion when a Dragon and Drath share an elemental magic. And so it is very unheard of for it to happen.


A very rare group of Draths, they can join, or fuse, with their Dragons forming a hybrid of sorts. Drakonians are very few in numbers, and seem to mostly show up in Draths who have Amphiptere, Drakes and Wyverns as their Dragons. Drakonians when joined take on a humanoid body, with two legs, the number or arms and wings dependant on the type of Dragon fused. Drakonians get the number of eyes and the eye color of the Dragon, the hair of the human, and patches of skin and Dragonhide, each the subsequent color. They can get horns if their Dragon has them, a tail, and their hands and feet resemble Dragons paws. They get forked tongues and sharp teeth.

They are not considered either male or female unless both the Drath and Dragon was male, or if they were both female. Drakonians can hold the magic of both the Drath and the Dragon as well as the ability to telepathically commune with others. Drakonians are literally two beings sharing a mind and body, and so Drakonians tend to speak in plurals when referring to themselves and other Drakonians, meaning they use we instead of I and so forth. Drakonians are also known to use a name that is a fusion of the two names if those who make them up. For instance the Drakonian Lethon, is formed from Lethe and Eon.

Unless a Drakonian has perfected fusing with clothes, they must be provided them. Although Drakonian are rather gender ambiguous by way of genetic structure.

Drakonians first showed up 200 years ago with a single Drakonian. 140 years later another showed up, with a few more showing up later on. What makes a Drakonian is unknown at this exact time.

Elemental Magic Types

Unlike Dragon types, there are different classes of Dragon magic. Some are more common and some are downright rare to encounter. Each element brings forth its own unique eye color for Dragons and Draths,and each has a few unique facets. Each wielded is referred to as a child of that elements patron.

Maehure’s Children Common. Maehure’s Children wield fire. Fire represents the essence of heat. Those who wield it can control, manipulate and create flames. Dragons can breathe it, Draths can shoot it out of their hands. Fire though is not just limited to flames but actual heat as well. Maehure's Children can manipulate how hot something is, but never how cold something is. They can also manipulate ash and smoke. They can even light their skin alight with flames, or turn into a walking fireball for a short time. Maehure’s Children are revealed by bright red eyes.

Erand’s Children Common. Not to be confused with Eland’s Children. Erand’s Children wield earth. Earth in this sense being the very ground one walks on. Dragons can breathe dust, Draths can shoot it from their hands. They can manipulate and control earth, rocks, dirt. They can create masses of land, can summon rocks, but they can never give it flora. They can even encircle themselves in shards of rocks, bring enough earth so that they can wear it like a second skin, enclose themselves in spheres of pure earth, and surround themselves in dust storms. Erand’s Children can also fade into the earth, sink into stones and rocks, become the ground for a short time. Erand’s Children are revealed by warm brown eyes.

Eceil’s Children Common. Eceil’s Children wield water. They can create and manipulate water, mist, vapor and steam. They can safely breathe underwater as well. Eceil’s Children can weave water around them in protective coats, they can form whip like arms as weapons. They can even temporarily become literal formed water, capable of having harm pass through them for a short while. Eceil’s Children are revealed by blue-green eyes.

Kesh’s Children Common. Kesh’s Children wield air. They can create gusts of wind, can halt wind and can move gases. They can alter how strong winds blow, how they move, where they come from. They can engulf themselves in a whirlwind to deflect projectiles. They can even temporarily dissolve into a wind like substance and reform a short distance away. Kesh’s Children are revealed by gray eyes.

Pera’s Children Uncommon. Pera’s Children wield ice. Ice in this sense meaning the cold. Those who wield it can control ice and frost. Dragons can breathe it, Draths can shoot it from their hands. They can cool something down, freeze it with a touch. They are capable of manipulating how cold something is. Never how hot. They can cover their body in a whirlwind of ice flakes and shards as well as become walking clouds of cold vapor for a short while. Pera’s Children can be revealed by their pale blue, almost white eyes.

Tali’s Children Uncommon. Tali’s Children wield lightning. They can control and manipulate it. In storms they can control where it crashes down, they can release electric shocks at a single touch. Tali’s Children can engulf themselves in a bubble of small bolts, for a short time. And they can even zip to and from areas extremely fast. They are revealed by their eyes which are a bright yellow.

Eland’s Children Uncommon. Not to be confused with Erand’s Children. Eland’s Children wield nature and life. Eland’s Children can manipulate the growth rate of plant life, can stimulate plants to grow where it is otherwise barren. They can summon plants and control them. They can even camouflage with the plant life around them. They are defined by their eyes which are light green.

Larith’s Children Uncommon. Larith’s Children wield poison. They are capable of secreting poisonous toxins, they can draw the poisonous elements from nearby plant life and from surrounding environments. Larith’s Children can create this poison, can saturate something in it. They can paralyze an enemy through contact of poison covered flesh. They are defined by their eyes which are dark green.

Ogmun’s Children Rare. Ogmun’s Children wield shadow. They can control, manipulate and create shadows. They can summon darkness and can steal others shadows. They can even become shadows themselves for a short time. Or become a smoke like wraith for a short while. They are revealed by their eyes which are blue. (1/4)

Wilzoth’s Children Rare. Wilzoth’s Children wield light. They can control, manipulate and create light. They can summon it and can steal and control fire light and sunbeams. For a short while they can even flare up their skin and hair into a walking torch of sorts. They are defined by their eyes which are orange. (0/4)

Silius’s Children Extremely Rare. Silius’s Children wield void. They can manipulate the nothingness of things, can see where things aren't and can make them appear. Silius’s Children can create something from nothing, and can create nothing from something. They are even able to teleport by creating wormholes for brief moments. They are revealed by their eyes which are violet. (2/2)

Joule’s Children Extremely Rare. Joule’s Children wield energy. They can manipulate the energy surrounding an object, can amplify that energy and dampen it. They are able to excite molecules to speed up regeneration, they can create blasts of condensed energy. Joule’s Children can even create objects out of pure every for a short while and shield themselves in a protective energy bubble. They are identified by their eye color which is pink. (0/2)


-No Mary Sues, Godmodding or Powerplaying. Basically no perfect characters, no controlling others characters, and no interactions in which harm can befall another without the other having time to react.
-As a semi-literate RP I will ask you get at least 3 or more sentences, in which it is not just dialogue. I also ask that you have decent grammar. Doesn't have to be perfect, but enough for me to understand you.
-Please keep drama to a minimum. Nothing kills something more than a character who laments about their pain and goes full out crazy two posts in.
-Follow all site rules.
-No dating, just it directly violates site rules. I want to mention this again just so y'all can't say you weren't warned.
-Please avoid using caps lock to express loudness. A simple ! Followed by saying “they yelled/shouted/screamed” us enough. Too many caps gives me anxiety and freaks me out.
-Every Drath is on their fourth year, and is just now being chosen by a Dragon. So no preexisting relations to Dragons without due reason.
-If using first person POV with multiple characters, please express whose POV you are using when you use it. As well when switching POV if you are using third person limited, make distinctions.
-If you read the rules add what POV you're using for that specific character in other in the form.
-Max of 5 characters, excluding Drakonian.
-Elemental magics follow a system of rarity. So you can only have a max of 2 in rare or extremely rare, if and only if you hold the same or more characters in uncommon and common.
-Everything is required on the form unless marked with an *. That means it is optional.
-Draths can only be as young as 16. This is because that is the youngest any recruit can be taken is is 12.
-Not everyone can be a Drakonian. If you want to be considered for a Drakonian, fill out two regular forms and one Drakonian form. I will say if they can become a Drakonian or not. There are hints as to what makes a Drakonian if you read everything. So only those who catch it can get it.
-Not every Drath and Dragon share an elemental power. In fact that kind of event is very rare, as it was literally stated in the “About the Bond” section, they tend to be 1 out of every four bonds. So go crazy and mix them up.
-You don't have to be both Dragon and Drath for your characters. If you want you can have another character make the partner to your character. Only exception are Drakonian, which you need to control both of to make.
-The ratio of Dragon to Drath has to be 1:1, so there cannot be an uneven amount of Dragons and Drath.
-Technology is only as advanced as crossbows, but clothing is modern.
-Don't have a character go murder crazy. I will say characters can fight, so long as the other is given reaction time. You can't kill others because that just is overkill.
-Every character has the eye color of their magic type. I don't want eye colors that are outside the given ones. And I don't want them to have a magic type different from the eye color.
-You can use pictures in your forms, but please also describe them. I am mainly mobile bound, so I can't always look up pictures. So if I don't know what everything looks like, you won't be accepted.
-Draths must be humanoid and cannot have magic outside of magic types. So no sorcerer Draths.
-If you agree to the rules give me your character's favorite fruit, melon or berry in code.

Current Ranks

Bonded Drath-Dragon
Eon, Silius's Child, Male bonded with Lethe, Drake, Silius's Child, Male

Nate, Eland's Child, Male, bonded with Pyralite, Amphiptere, Pera's Child, Nonbinary

Lily, Joule's Child, Female bonded with Dusk, Drake, Joule's Child, Male

Mehanes, Maehure's Child, bonded with Fruto, Wyvern, Ogmun's Child, Male

Sparky, Tali's Child, Male bonded with Kyrui, Wyrm, Maehure's Child, Female

Lethon, Silius's Child, Male, Formed by Eon and Lethe

Lusk, Joule's Child, Nonbinary, Formed by Lily and Dusk

Character's Owners

@pitch1226 Fruto
@togepi360 Nate, Lily, Dusk, Sparky, Kyrui, Lusk
@thebrokenvibe Eon, Lethe, Pyralite, Mehanes, Lethon

We may now begin, it is roughly midmorning, just before the ceremony to decide the bonded pairs. The Dragons and Drath should all be gathered near the main court or be heading there.

Deleted • 25 July 2017 at 12:56 PM

Okay. Didn't notice this in my 26 Notifiations

Sparky laid back and sighed. Why now? He wondered who he would get. Any dragon would be cool.

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2,221 posts


pitch1226 • 25 July 2017 at 1:40 PM

Fruto was already at the main court. In fact, they had been there for at least an hour before the others had started to show up. Excitement coursed through his veins as he restlessly waited for everyone showed up. His wings rustled anxiously and they picked at the ground. The wyvern cocked its head to the side every once in a while, trying to pick up sound of anyone approaching.


Deleted • 25 July 2017 at 1:45 PM


Dusk stretched his wings. He acidently slapped Fruto, but he didn't mind. He could hear people. He sat up and yawned. This might take a while.

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thebrokenvibe • 25 July 2017 at 2:23 PM

@pitch1226 @togepi360

Mehanes had arrived at the courtyard shortly after the wake up. There was something exciting about this day, and Mehanes couldn't pinpoint whether or not it was being chosen by a dragon, or if it was just a general feel. They knew that it was a very important day in general, the first set of recent recruits to undergo the process of getting a dragon. But she felt as if there was something more.

More movement on the side of the courtyard dedicated to Draths caught his attention and Mehanes glanced over to see more entering.

Eon had joined them, his eyes wide as he took in the large barrier that separated the courtyard, he wondered briefly if it was always there or if it was some form of construct they used for these types of ceremony.


Pyralite watched warily as Dusk hit Fruto while stretching his wings. They hoped to avoid any unpleasant confrontation with the other dragons, especially now that the day to choose a Drath was here. Pyralite shifted, worried that there might not be a Drath for them. They shook their head briefly to wipe away any unpleasant thoughts as they turned to Lethe.

He had been one of the first in the courtyard aside from Fruto. The drake always seemed to be tired, restlessly shifting legs and glancing from side to side, as if something would attack. Perhaps it was just nerves for the day, it was after all the only time for two more years that any of them would get to be bonded with a Drath.

But whether or not it was nerves of not making a bond or making one, even Lethe didn't know. He just knew he was worried, for something.

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pitch1226 • 25 July 2017 at 3:58 PM

Fruto shifted over to give Dusk more room, careful not to bump into Pyralite or Lethe in the process. Looking over at Lethe, they could see the worry in his eyes. He gently nudged the slightly smaller dragon and made a soft coo. They hoped the drake wouldn't let his worry ruin the excitement of the day. After all, today was supposed to be an amazing day, at least that is how Fruto saw it.

He gave his whole body a shake in an attempt to get rid of any negativity. They closed their eyes and took in a deep breath, held it, and gently let it out. Opening his eyes, Fruto carefully sat down.


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thebrokenvibe • 27 July 2017 at 1:04 AM

@togepi360 @pitch1226

Mehanes glanced around as some of the older members filed in. They didn't see Lily or Nate enter and silently furrowed their brow. If those two didn't show up for the ceremony would they be out dragons? Or would the ceremony be delayed until they showed up?

Mehanes noted that Eon seemed to have similar thoughts as he was glancing worridly at the doors, waiting to see if they were going to come in late. She bit her nails, scared that something bad was going to happen if the remaining Draths didn't show up.

Deleted • 27 July 2017 at 12:32 PM

(check my character's name spelling)

"Yikes, I'm going to be late!" Lily panicked as she got ready. "How did I forget?" she was super embarrassed, hopefully there would still be a dragon for her. She rushed outside to the thing, only half ready for it. "Oh dear," she thought, "I'm probably the last to make it here."

Nate was also having trouble. He was sleeping in. R.I.P. His alarm clock kept ringing, but he ignored it. Suddenly he woke up. Less than 5 minutes until it began! He got ready, then stepped outside. It might be too late.

(Sparky's already there)

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thebrokenvibe • 27 July 2017 at 3:39 PM

@togepi360 Sorry about that, sometimes I don't catch all my little spelling errors. It should be fixed now.)

Mehanes shook off their worry as the older members stood beside the doors, they held them open, looking down them with what looked like amusement. If that was the case it meant the remaining Draths were hurrying down the corridor and would soon be there.

She grinned as she watched two of the older members exchange looks before they called out to the others. "We might have to delay the ceremony shortly, we don't want the others to arrive short of breath and in poor condition when meeting the dragons. We sent a runner ahead to tell Nate and Lily they don't have to sprint here so let's hope they find them in time."

Mehanes watched as another Drath barreled down the corridor away from them, obviously ready to meet the others.

Deleted • 27 July 2017 at 4:44 PM


Kyuri squirmed, almost hitting Fruto. "What's taking so long?" she complained to Fruto. "I'm bored!" she ranted on and on. She curled up and took a short nap. (Totally professional)

Nate and Lily slowed down and collided with each other about to get in their places. "Ouch!" they both screamed as they collided. They rubbed their heads in pain. "We got to go," Lily said, "We're taking such a long time."

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pitch1226 • 29 July 2017 at 1:39 PM

Fruto smiled and giggled. "Human's are silly sometimes. Just stay optimistic and things will go according to plan." The wyvern scratched an itch behind one of his wings and flicked his tail in boredom. Surely the ceremony would start soon. They tried not to get to antsy and stay calm and collective, but the longer they waited, the more excitement pumped through his body.

(Sorry for the late reply, I'm on vacation)

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thebrokenvibe • 31 July 2017 at 1:53 PM

@pitch1226 @togepi360 (Same for being on vacation)

Lethe watched Fruto, he couldn't deny that he felt the same excitement at the impending ceremony, hopefully things would turn out better once they all met the Draths. He doubted that things would turn sour, such things were very rare to occur after all. He glanced over towards the barriers separating the courtyard. It should have been moved by now if the elder dragons were anything to go by.

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2,221 posts


pitch1226 • 1 August 2017 at 4:31 PM

Fruto was usually patient, but this was just silly. They should have pulled up the barrier by now. The wyvern inched closer to the barrier and poked it with a claw. When it didn't open, they poked it harder.


Deleted • 2 August 2017 at 3:47 PM


Sorry it took so long. Everyone rushed over. It must now be time. Dusk looked over and yawned. "Hope they start now." he flapped his wings. They felt numb for being folded away so long.

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thebrokenvibe • 3 August 2017 at 9:15 PM

@neko-sama @pitch1226

Eon glanced up as Lily and Nate finally entered the courtyard, the elder Drath slowly began to file in at small points along the barrier blocking the two halves. The Drath that spoke earlier now moved to the center of the barrier, standing before a small handle. "Glad to see everyone is here, even the last few stragglers. We have heard that all the dragons were at least on time." she said, a small glimmer of humor in her eyes.

"That said, we can now begin the process. In a few moments the barriers will go up, you are to remain still and allow your chosen dragon to approach you. Again, the dragon chooses the Drath, they start the bond. And most of our dragons are still adolescent, and while they are well trained, it is important they get a judge of your character properly. So do not approach until approached, and do not make sudden movements. That freaks out the older and unbonded dragons." she explained, as she gave a few short nods to the remaining elder Draths.

Mehanes noted a loud and dreadfully loud squealing as she barriers were being pulled back, she forced herself not to flinch as she remembered the woman's words.

Deleted • 3 August 2017 at 9:25 PM


Lily squealed as the barrier opened. She tried to stand still but she panicked. She hid at the end of the Draths.
Dusk stared at Lily, amused. He rolled over and tried to "get" each of them. He sniffed, yet everyone near the front just wasn't right. He kept searching.

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1,075 posts


thebrokenvibe • 4 August 2017 at 2:57 AM

@neko-sama @pitch1226

Eon had watched as the barrier opened and tried his best not to jerk back as he caught a glimpse of the dragons on the other side. He knew that this was an important opportunity, he just originally hoped that it would be less terrifying.

His fears were only doubled as a drake, who up until that moment hadn't moved, started flat out sprinting towards him. Eon braced himself, worried that the dragon would knock him over. But after a few long moments in which nothing happened he opened his eyes.

Sitting before him the drake had stopped with scarcely any space between their faces. Eon, curious as to what would happen now, reached out a hand and watched in a alight stunned awe as the drake not only rested his head in his hand. After a few moments the drake pulled back, dropping into a bow. Feeling compelled by this new kinship Eon did the same, bowing to the dragon before the two slowly moves away from the thick of the crowd.

A quick glance showed that the gathered elder Draths were in approval of the situation, and one such pair of Drath and dragon nodding approvingly. Albeit with a very worried look shared at the event.

Pyralite, watches curiously as Lethe made a beeline straight for one of the Draths standing on the other end of the courtyard. The Drake had scarcely said a word before he huffed and muttered something about feeling a tug. A few moments later he was on the other side of the courtyard, bowing before a Drath.

Pyralite huffs as they take in the situation. They had scanned the crowd thrice already and all they saw was Dusk sniffing the Draths and one of the Draths literally sprinting away from the dragons. They shook out their wings, hoping to garner a new perspective after uncoiling from their mainly curled position.

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2,221 posts


pitch1226 • 4 August 2017 at 12:26 PM

Fruto stood completely still, analyzing each drath carefully. As they studied them, he felt a small pull. He took a few steps forward and felt the pull get weaker. They changed direction and the pull was back. The wyvern followed the feeling until they were standing in front of a messy haired drath. Fruto cocked his head for a moment, intensely staring at them. All of a sudden, it felt like it was just the drath and him. Fruto moved even closer until they could feel the drath' breath on his scales. He gently pushed his head into the drath's hands and then back into a bow.


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1,075 posts


thebrokenvibe • 8 August 2017 at 9:17 PM

@pitch1226 @neko-sama (Sorry it took so long to reply. I didn't have extended access to internet recently.)

Mehanes watches as the wyvern moved towards him, pressed their face into his hands and dropped to a bow. Mehanes at the same time felt a sort of tug in his chest and so he too dipped into a bow afterwards. He had seen what happened with Eon and knew that he had found his dragon.

Pyralite glanced around hesitantly, so far they hadn't seen anyone that seemed to call to them. But then again more than half the assembled Dragons were in the same situation.
