TheGreatRogue.... (Thread)

in Chit-Chat

54 posts


skythecreator • 24 October 2017 at 5:56 PM

Rogue was my role model for so long. I ADORE her art, but she went down hill! She abandoned everything she had created...... everything that i loved about her. Now there will probably never be anymore Undertale AU stuff from her...... I really wanted her to continue the Daycare series..... AND LITERALLY EVERY OTHER SERIES SHE HAD MADE!!! IT MAKES ME SO ANGRY!!! BECAUSE OF HER EVERY PERSON IVE EVER MET IS SHIPPING BENDY AND CUPHEAD LIKE WHAT THE HECK- ugh....... its just....... Whatever......... just tell me what you guys think. Lets just start a thread about Rogue's best works and greatest things she has ever made. Just chat about her and junk
