Mermaids/Mermans Of The Silent Shallows (Sign~Ups & Discussion) }{[MOTSS]}{

in Roleplaying

Deleted • 4 November 2017 at 8:58 PM

The Silent Shallows Intro

This lake is a magical lake. It's a lake near Silverwater but is near the mythic moose territory. It's the home of thousands of mermaids, millions of fish, hundreds of sea wolves, and not many turtles. It's the mermaids job to protect those turtles. But then there's evil taking over the lake, a team, calling themselves The Silent Shadows has taken over the lake. The leader is a mythical vampire named Bella. Her team is made out of werewolves, witches, wizards, and more vampires. The mermaids have two jobs now. But they call it one. Their mission is, defend the animals from The Silent Shadows.

1. No perfect characters. Your character(s) MUST have a weakness.

2. No Goddesses/Gods.

3. No inappropriate moves

4. If it's something that's not anything about the topic, then don't do it. If it's minor, put it in (). (eg. (I'm not gonna be here for 2 weeks))

5. No more than 8 characters.

6. Hybrids are allowed, but still, no perfect/Godlike characters.

7. No violence.

8. No more than 6 powers per character. Also, every mermaid/merman should have shapeshifting powers

9. No swearing.

10. No romance.

Note: If you break any of these rules, I will report you to an EC worker and/or ban you. If it's minor, I'll have you change your form.

Prohibited Powers
- Creation
- Destruction
- Giving life back to the dead
- Life (But nature is allowed)
- Death (But undead is allowed)
- Instant kill
- Demonic powers (But being half demon is allowed)
- Angelic powers (But being half angel is allowed)

Things marked with -, are not necessary.

Age: (11-39)
Gender: (Mermaid, merman)
-Pet: (Seawolf, sea tiger, fish, turtle, etc.)
Main animal form:

My mermaid

Name: Winter
Age: 21
Gender: Mermaid
Image: White, shiny hair with blue and white scales.
Weakness: Cannot use powers in extreme heat
Power(s): Ice, cool fire, shapeshifting, telekinesis.
Personality: Swift, clever, brave, strong, caring.
Pet: Seawolf
History: Normal
Main animal form: Seawolf/Regular wolf
Other: None
