Searching for an artist!

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37 posts


xxsimplycountessxx • 19 June 2019 at 12:40 PM

So I need someone’s help on a creature suggestion. I am very artistically challenged and cannot put my creature to paper. It’s a horse based creature idea named the eyeris
It has 4 stages total including the egg. Egg stage, laying foal, power stage and final stage. The colors include blues, white, black, and a silver/grey. I need someone who is good with horses long flow movement with hair and flowers. The creature if picked will be related to the Valequine. Please if you may be interested in helping me bring this creature to life please message me! thank you so much for reading Im excited to hear from you!!!

You will get full credit for your art. And will be included in the creature idea once submitted.
I’m also very open to further suggestions on the appearance and features of my creature. The better we make it, the more glorious it will be!!!
I will give you a full rundown of the creature if you may potentially be interested! 😊

I’m sorry if this is not the correct place to post this. Delete if needed thanks
