Creature suggestion- chicklyt

in Fan Art & Creature Suggestions

42 posts


umbreonlover11 • 20 August 2019 at 9:08 PM



There aren't too many chicken type creatures on here so I am suggesting a new possible cave obtained creature!


Chicklyt eggs are soft and fragile;
If you listen closely you can hear quiet chirps from inside.

About the chicklyt creature

The hatchlings are bouncy and very playful so they are best for young children who love to play,
Adults are best for those who have PTSD since their soft feathers and gentle nature calms those whoever holds one and the curly hair like feather feels like soft thread and can be used as thread if needed but don't worry as it regrows quickly.

Feel free to rewrite this awful bio thing.

Deleted • 2 September 2019 at 10:12 PM

@umbreonlover11 first comment. I love it I want one!
