Find the Gobblers 2019 - Tips, Discussion, Info, and Questions

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How do you like the Gobbler hunting this year?

11 posts


lavenderkittens • 30 November 2019 at 10:53 PM

I got 250 gobblers in an hour and a half.

At 9:00, I started at 200 gobblers. I now have 450.

Basically, I just pressed the next page button in the Archives a lot. It's more efficient than F5ing a page over and over because you can go back a page and the gobbler will still be there. Scrolling through pages and F5ing are just as fast, but the archives have that added bonus. I split my time into 16 minute segments where I would get 25 gobblers each. However, that was way too much time for me. I ended up averaging at around 25 gobblers per 10 minutes. I once got 25 in only 6!
