Toy Shop

in Problems & Bugs

Deleted • 15 May 2020 at 11:27 AM

So whenever I visit the Toy Shop, some of the descriptions for toys have some odd stuff. Example: I was doing a quest one day and I had to get some toys, I found the one that I needed and the description was, "Wonder why this'quote;original>;quote?;'" Now when I saw that, I was confused. Then when I tried to buy it, I was alerted with that annoying,"You were too slow! This items out of stock" or whatever. When the shop restocks, it doesn't even restock the whole thing. Is replaces like 1-4 items and that's it, unlike the rest of the shops. Also I bought an Original Tine Plush (with the same description) and when I went to look at it, the description was normal. Actually when I just went to the shop, all of the descriptions were normal. Umm...yeah, what's going on?
