Wishlists / "Looking for" List on Profile

in Site Feedback & Ideas

4,265 posts


izziebee1017 • 13 December 2020 at 7:51 PM

A lot of people on this site use eggcavity.com to show other users their creature wishlists. However, I think it'd be way better if EggCave had a wishlist feature visible on our profile. It would be optional, but it'd make it way easier to show users what you're looking for. It'd also be cool if there was some way to search people's wishlists. Like if you have a Coarach UFT, you could search for wishlists that contain a Coarach. It'd make trading way more efficient. Not everyone checks the trade center or the trade section of the forums consistently.

1,069 posts


distorted • 13 December 2020 at 8:00 PM

A search option would be cool. @izziebee1017 Could I add another thing? Maybe an item WL too? And the creature could be removed once that person gets that creature. I don't update my WL often so I forget if I already have that certain creature.

4,265 posts


izziebee1017 • 13 December 2020 at 8:04 PM

Yea an item wishlist would definitely make sense. Idk about the auto remove because some people may be collectors or looking for multiples. 😊

1,069 posts


distorted • 13 December 2020 at 8:11 PM

@izziebee1017 an option if they're collecting or looking for more of that creature?

4,265 posts


izziebee1017 • 13 December 2020 at 8:18 PM

Yea, it'd be cool if they could specify that they're collecting
