Reverse Werewolves RP [ Discussion Thread; Open ]

in Roleplaying

Trans Man
9 posts


trash-boy • 19 February 2021 at 11:13 AM

Reverse Werewolves RP
Current Status: Open
[ Discussion Thread ]
[ Roleplay Thread ]

On Auth, there lived two seperate yet parralel groups: Humans and Beasts.
Beasts walked upon four legs, had tails, hooves, wings, fangs and claws. Had they two feet, they walked, their backs hunched and their fingers curled. Beasts were simple creatures, capable of simple emotions and simple wants. Domestic Beasts were there to be one of three things: a pet, soon-to-be food, or a tool. Feral Beasts were kept in zoos as entertainment, or left in the wild to help control the enviroment ( while, of course, being closely monitered ).
Humans were intelligent and oftentimes strange. They used tools and technology to help advance their knowledge and abilities. They had customs and tradition, with which to remember and celebrate history / historical figures. They had laws, to govern them and to teach their young right and wrong.
However, unbeknownst to the humans, not all Beasts were simple creatures. Not all Beasts walked upon two legs as if they were four, and not all Beasts resigned themselves to the roles of weak animals subject to the whims and desires of Mankind. There were Beasts that were like Humans, called myth and legend by many, Beasts that were perhaps even greater than Mankind. These Beasts, simply put, were supernatural.
One such group, a small village of reverse werewolves, lived in a mostly self-sufficient and hardly known town beside the base of a mountain. This is where our story takes place.


1: No extreme gore. Some blood or bruises is fine, but don't get overly descriptive. If death is involved, just imply that they died and leave it at that.
2: No excessive cursing. Light cursing ( hell, etc ) is acceptable.
3: You may not kill another persons character without their explicit permission. Removing / replacing a character could further the plotline, so don't be afraid to do so.
4: No overpowered / 'perfect' characters.
5: No godmodding ( taking control of anothers character / everyone ).
6: Yes, there could be romance, but do not go above a P-13 rating when it is involved.
7: Please use correct grammar and spelling when roleplaying, and use at least two sentences in a story-like narrative when interacting.
Acceptable: They smiled at their friend, before picking up their bag and leaving. They had a lot of school work to do.
Needs work: *smiles at friend* *picks up bag and leaves* i have a lot of school work to do.

Important World Info:

- Reverse werewolves are essentially anthropomorphic wolves ( think of furries, but not horrifyingly realistic ) that turn into complete humans during the full moon. They are still wolves; they still have a social hierarchy where the alpha is the 'top dog', so to speak. However, they do not have predestined significant other(s) or smell like vanilla / chocolate / flowers / ash / charcoal naturally. They have natural fur colors ( brown, white, black, etc ).
- There are people who still believe in supernatural Beasts, and like to investigate them. They might even have an UwUtube channel and post videos about their discoveries. These people will have an important part in the story! They could be supernatural Beasts themselves, disguised as humans in order to hide amongst society, or curious humans looking for said supernatural Beasts.
- Auth is just 'AU' + 'Earth'. It's an alternate version of Earth, and has mostly the same timeline as our Earth ( minus the great disasters: 9/11, the Holocaust, the Titanic, etc ). Things are generally better on Auth, and people are more accepting of others.

Character Sheet:

Character Name:
Gender + Pronouns:

