
in Welcomes & Introductions

5 posts


cryptic_cryptic • 8 April 2021 at 1:59 PM

My name pretty much says it all. I discovered a link to this game from a player in another game. Love the artwork here!

28 posts


pepster • 8 April 2021 at 2:04 PM

Hi! I’m pepster, I hope you have a great time here! I originally came from Pokefarm Q, and if you need any help you can just reply here. If you need any help with worth, there’s a great post on the forums called Budgies Pricing Guide, which lists all creatures worth. People mainly use their pricing guide for trading, and most people on eggcave use it. If you want, I could give you a couple creatures,travels/backgrounds for a creature, and a couple other items!

Enjoy your time here on eggcave!
Here’s the link to the guide
