Eggcave Creature Tracking Spreadsheet

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justagiannamoment • 5 February 2022 at 12:33 PM

So, I love spreadsheets, and quite awhile ago I made one to keep track of how many creatures I've collected on this site. I use it consistently for this site, so I figured that since I love it, maybe someone else on here may also find it useful too.

Here is the link to view the google sheet, once you view it, you can make a duplicate copy in google drive and then you will have your own editable version!

Now, let me explain how I have this formatted and some cool little features I have! I have all the creatures sorted alphabetically and there are three columns: A,B, and C.

Column A is checkboxes, so when you acquire a new species of creature, you click the checkbox, this allows you to keep track of how many unique species you have collected, This is important because in C1 I have a tracker that keeps track of haw many check boxes are checked vs unchecked, so you will know how many species you have collected vs. how many exist within the Eggcave Universe.

Column B is where you type in how many of each creature you have, I find this useful because it allows me to know how many of each creature I own and allows me to keep track of a collective number of creatures between my main and side accounts. On the bottom of the the column I added another tracker that add the collective total on column B so you will know the exact total of creature that you own on Eggcave (as long as you've been accurate). I think this is super helpful when trading or using auctions so that you can know whether or not you have many of a species already, cause I don't know about anyone else, but I cant mentally keep track of thousands of creatures in my head.

Column C is easy! Its where the name of each species goes! I simply add each new creature alphabetically as they are added to the site. I have a row that it filled in and highlights each letter so it is easy to scroll quickly to find whatever creature you are looking for! As of 2/5/2021 all the creatures on in here and the list are up to date!

I think I included everything about the spreadsheet, if you have any questions or can think of anything I can improve please feel free to let me know!

Deleted • 7 February 2022 at 3:18 AM


thank you so much for posting this. help me out a lot

388 posts


cryogenics • 7 February 2022 at 3:39 AM

@justagiannamoment - brilliant - i was thinking of doing the same - thanks!

183 posts


singasong99 • 7 February 2022 at 8:16 AM

@justagianinamoment this is so great! thank you! ❤️

99 posts


justagiannamoment • 7 February 2022 at 12:18 PM

@hulae @singasong99 @cryogenics

I’m glad that you like it! I use it all the time personally and figured other people might like it too. Feel free to ping anyone else that you think might like it as well!!

1,308 posts


stellalunagirl • 7 February 2022 at 10:15 PM


Wow this is so nerdy and epic xD

Love this haha
