Toggle Travels + User Wishlist/Tradelist Feature

in Site Feedback & Ideas

2,149 posts


sky • 13 June 2022 at 4:51 AM

Just some thoughts/ideas that have crept into my mind on a sleepless night.

Toggle Travels

Ever find yourself debating on decking out your entire cove with Travels for your creatures? Or maybe you already have but you've been considering on wanting to revert to having no Travels on your creatures...

Both seem like a big commitment. On one hand, a fully decked out cove with traveling creatures is so colorful and expressive. On the other hand, a cove without Travels looks so clean and minimalistic. But, what happens if you decide to go the opposite way?

Reverting back to whichever way you want may be costly, especially if the travel you want to have or want to remove is now retired. So, what if instead there were to be a feature that allows us users to toggle Travels on or off? It should only apply to the last travel that was applied to the creature.

As for my next suggestion, I'm sure it's already been suggested before but I figured I'd lay it out here anyways...

User Tradelist/Wishlist

I don't know how many of you are familiar with the Dress to Impress site for Neopets that allows for people to register and preview customizations for their Neopets and provides a listing feature. The idea would be similar to that of which allows us users to import/display creatures we own specifically for trade but also display creatures and/or items you want and categorize both have and wants by tiers.

Additionally, by clicking on the listed creature/item it could show users who are seeking or have available to trade and can cross reference their listing for making an offer.

This will not replace the Trade Center but instead would hopefully allow users to seek and work out trades more confidently with other users.

I know there are users like I who rely on using a guide to get an idea of how much a creature or item is valued or worth. Maybe by having this feature will also allow us to get more of a grasp on how much a creature is valued based on personal value and demand.

Let me know if any of you have any additional thoughts or feedback on these ideas!

2,557 posts


dragrawr • 13 June 2022 at 3:05 PM

I seriously love these ideas they would be very helpful but pretty long to put into practice since new things are currently being worked on! But I LOVE these ideas especially the wishlist. Maybe a beta could be introduced since Iโ€™m sure players would like to be able to easily see if they have a certain creature without scrolling through side accounts and what not!!

A friend of mine would love the toggle travel as they have all the same travel it mustโ€™ve taken a bit to place that many on ๐Ÿ˜๐ŸŒธ

2,149 posts


sky • 13 June 2022 at 9:38 PM

@dragrawr I do agree it would take long to put into practice, especially with all things considered already in development. Though, I'm sure if this were to be picked up on something they'd be interested in implementing here; I'd definitely look forward to testing it out in beta some day! ๐Ÿ˜Š

I can sympathize with your friend there! Although I'm not going with the same travel theme for my dream cove, I've decided to add travels to all my creatures. I miss having no travels, despite loving the travels they have, I'm too far gone now that I'm committed. Removing the travels now would take away all the time and EC I spent putting them on. I'm rather indecisive so a toggle option would be nice to have so I can switch between them every now and then!

2,557 posts


dragrawr • 13 June 2022 at 9:59 PM

@sky I totally agree! You bring up some amazing points, as I just kinda slap whatever travel on whoever and don't even think about it haha!
