Crapy idea

in Site Feedback & Ideas

Hm? (Multiple answers allowed.)

1,508 posts


wonder404exe • 13 June 2022 at 8:45 PM

Hey there, before you say anything know I'm just posting this for fun and I'm not saying ec should add this it's JUST an idea in my head I know it *might* have a lot of problems and would be hard to make this feature. Maybe this can inspire some other things? I'M JUST POSTING THIS FOR FUN-

ok ok here it is:

Wait if you can "Release" your creatures back into the wild? I'm thinking it would work like a Donations Center+Adoption Center.
SO. Someone pressed a button, 'are you sure?' yes, 'creature released back to the wild!' *or something*, then there is a very low chance for someone to get the creature from the cave but there will always be a lucky one, there could be a cool down- idk- you can only release creatures you CAN get the cave including Oasis creatures NOT SARC center creatures, Thief Shop creatures, CC creatures, Only event obtainable creatures... Retired creatures OBTAINED from cave can also be released from there. The person who gets the creature can rename it. Any star, Views, Clicks, Feeds, Immortal date, Hatched date, Stolen date, will stay; while Item Collected, Recent Feeders, Profile text, Travel, Owner, will reset. THERE WILL BE A NEW DATE CALLED "Restolen date" when the creature is restolen from the cave *the date will reset when the creature is rereleased back to the cave and so on*

Will edit if anyone find something missing

2,557 posts


dragrawr • 13 June 2022 at 9:30 PM

Mm, I like it but I don't think it is practical since there is already the donations center. I really find this idea cool tho! 😃
