QOL: Two Double Feed Days

in Site Feedback & Ideas


122 posts


mr-blue-bones • 30 April 2023 at 7:51 PM

It feels very difficult and s l o w trying to get substantial amounts of ec with the current per feed payments and it's tiring on my wrists grinding for so long to get the creatures that cost millions of ec.
Luckily there's a remedy to that: Double Feeds!

...but they're only once a month. .-.

There should be at least two double feed days a month, if I really need ec and I feed 10+ coves with 400-700 creatures each I want it to feel like I really got rewarded, not like I just wasted my time and my joint health for a mediocre payout. And I don't want to wait for weeks till double feed day to make it really worth it!

1,304 posts


daisycat • 30 April 2023 at 10:47 PM

I support this! 😊

Feeding is also a literal pain for me lol. While typing is surprisingly and thankfully not painful in any way, I do get wrist and finger pain from feeding for x amount of time. So, I actually don't feed coves very often. Rarely even my own. ^^' I've found ways to make it less tedious of course, but alas, it's still not great.

Context: I had a repetitive movement injury a couple years ago when I was building the same unit 22 times a day, for 8+ hours, for two weeks. We had a huge order for foot compressors that are used after surgery to stimulate blood flow, so we weren't switching around builds as we normally did. Just building the same exact thing for two weeks. Messed up my left wrist and fingers (I'm right-handed when writing, but ambidextrous with building electronics etc.). I was instructed to stop building and only perform tests and quality exams, but the pain still lasted m o n t h s. It eventually subsided when I got a promotion to a position that required minimal manual screwdriving, and only came up (in either hand) when I started repetition again.

A triple feed day would be amazing. :,)

1,742 posts


minnie298a • 30 April 2023 at 11:14 PM

I'm in two minds.
The negative side of my brain is all "the market would be flooded with easy to get ec". I currently average about 100ec per feed on a normal day and about 194 dfd's.

The other side is all "this would be great, easy ec".
Maybe something like the old DFD, based on a date, not a day. Once upon a time, many moons ago, DFD was the 15th of every month. So if implemented, something like the 27th or 28th of each month, so the actual day would move (a Monday one month, Thursday the next ect).
