Feed all option.

in Site Feedback & Ideas

Feed All Button

10 posts


flowerflare • 21 October 2023 at 2:01 PM

We all know how boring and tiring it is to tap, go to the next creature, tap, and repeat. How about instead of doing all that, at the top of someone's pets, there's a 'Feed all' button.

All in favor for no more endless tapping? I AM!!

1,743 posts


minnie298a • 21 October 2023 at 7:41 PM

I'm firmly in the no camp if ec is granted. The economy would crumble. Off the top of my head, with no effort, I can think of at least 5 coves that are 1000+ creatures (mine is only one), where 100k ec could be gained in seconds. Millions in minutes.

I'm also in the no camp if it's a blanket feed everything, no choice to toggle button. Not everyone wants all their creatures feed all the time. Particularly those trying to scrap up the CC for freezes.

On the clicking front, do you play on a pc or tablet/mobile? If mobile, I've no strategies.

I play on a computer and use the multi tab system. Ctrl+left click to open tabs of creatures. Then you position your mouse, left click on feed and then hit Ctrl+W to close the window. Click and close on repeat. You can actually hold down the Ctrl button, and for events like the current Halloween one and the February choc one, you don't need to interact with the pop up found box.

Personally I find the rhythmic repetitiveness to be oddly soothing. It's seen me through many an insomnia driven sleepless night and day. I also play with headphones on and something noise producing. Normally you tube or catch up tv in another window, but sometimes music. so the Click-tap-click-tap doesn't annoy me as much.
