what code does egg cave support?

in Help & Questions

44 posts


wizardsage • 16 December 2023 at 11:03 AM

I triedd coding a creature bio using my basic html/css skills, I stuck it in an editor and it worked but on egg cave nothing worked.
Here's a link to the creature. https://eggcave.com/egg/2771644

sorry, I tried putting in the code but it just deleted the stuff at the top.

1,306 posts


daisycat • 16 December 2023 at 11:06 AM

Unfortunately, Egg Cave doesn't allow HTML or CSS. They use simple "eCode". So instead of < and > you can use [ and ] but only for simple things. Like b for bold, color=COLORHERE for color. Check out the link and let me know if there's something specific you're trying to do. 😊

44 posts


wizardsage • 16 December 2023 at 12:20 PM

Oof yeah, probably can't code what I want. It's just colored, centered text with a background of snow falling in the dark.

1,306 posts


daisycat • 16 December 2023 at 12:45 PM

Ah, you could still center and color the text, but an alternative for the snow falling could be snow symbols!



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