Selling Lyralopex and others for CC and EC/Looking for Rhinedorf or Mariyd

in Trading & Auctions

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228 posts


discordia • 22 December 2023 at 3:55 PM

Aye, had my fluffy doggo for a while. Mostly looking for CC for certain things and EC for other tradable creatures. All of these are original releases:

Currently for sale:
Lyralopex (1.8K-2k cc/or Trade for Mariyd+CC/or re-release Rhinedorf+CC/or Dongelic)
For Dongelic I can add any of the below for trade along with Lyralopex.

Choconom (300 cc)
Statink (200 cc)
Mefisto (200 cc) (Name: Implicated)
Cihikob (100 cc)
Doppelganger (300 CC)
Meriton (100 cc)
Canige (200 cc)
Finti (300 cc)
Unusith (200 cc)
Globear (100 cc)
Swanice (100 cc)
Gantula (200 cc)
Icestrom (400k ec)
Horrorse (200 cc)
Xeroglyph (300k ec)
Rhoull (500k ec)
Tracdeere (150k ec)
Jubaleen (200k ec)
Huhu (100 cc)
Motti (250k ec)
Froplet (200 cc)
Chimera (200 cc or trade for Yamamagan or Horsca)
Vello (300k ec)
Sessir (200k ec)
Omap (200k ec)
Orimalo (200k)
Batteron (200k ec)
Leermus (300k ec)
Asteran (200 cc)
Zekka (200k ec)
